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Influence of Dietary Sources of Melatonin on Sleep Quality: A Review
Journal of Food Science ( IF 3.9 ) Pub Date : 2019-12-19 , DOI: 10.1111/1750-3841.14952
Nádia Pereira 1 , Maria Fernanda Naufel 2 , Eliane Beraldi Ribeiro 2 , Sergio Tufik 1 , Helena Hachul 1

Sleep is an essential biological phenomenon, being a physiological and behavioral process necessary for quality of life. Melatonin is a circadian hormone produced at night by the pineal gland, regulated by the light/dark cycle, under the control of the suprachiasmatic nucleus. Melatonin is an indoleamine, synthesized from the essential amino acid tryptophan via serotonin. Melatonin is also found in plants, where it helps fight oxidative stress. To present a systematic review on the ability of food sources of melatonin to promote healthy sleep. A literature search was performed on the PubMed, Scopus, and ScienceDirect databases, including only randomized, placebo-controlled trials published in English between 2005 and 2019. The methodological quality of the trials was assessed by the Jadad scale. Of the 25 eligible articles, eight met the inclusion criteria. They addressed the intake of milk or cherry juice in children, adults, and elderly subjects and evaluated sleep quality by questionnaires, sleep diary, actigraphy, or polysomnography. The analysis of the studies presented limitations, including lack of homogeneity of treatment dosage and duration. Nonetheless, the results indicated that the consumption of milk and sour cherries, sources of melatonin, may improve sleep quality in humans. These results pointed out to the potential suitability of food sources of melatonin as adjuvants in the prevention and treatment of sleep disorders. Further studies are necessary to better ascertain the aspects relevant to their use.



睡眠是一种基本的生物现象,是维持生活质量所必需的生理和行为过程。褪黑激素是一种由松果体在夜间产生的昼夜节律激素,受视交叉上核的控制,受光/暗循环调节。褪黑激素是一种吲哚胺,由必需氨基酸色氨酸通过血清素合成。褪黑激素也存在于植物中,有助于对抗氧化应激。对褪黑激素的食物来源促进健康睡眠的能力进行系统评价。对 PubMed、Scopus 和 ScienceDirect 数据库进行了文献检索,仅包括 2005 年至 2019 年间以英文发表的随机、安慰剂对照试验。试验的方法学质量通过 Jadad 量表进行评估。在符合条件的 25 篇文章中,八项符合纳入标准。他们研究了儿童、成人和老年受试者的牛奶或樱桃汁摄入量,并通过问卷、睡眠日记、活动记录或多导睡眠图评估睡眠质量。研究分析存在局限性,包括治疗剂量和持续时间缺乏同质性。尽管如此,结果表明,牛奶和酸樱桃是褪黑激素的来源,可以改善人类的睡眠质量。这些结果指出了褪黑激素的食物来源作为预防和治疗睡眠障碍的佐剂的潜在适用性。需要进一步研究以更好地确定与其使用相关的方面。睡眠日记、活动记录或多导睡眠图。研究分析存在局限性,包括治疗剂量和持续时间缺乏同质性。尽管如此,结果表明,牛奶和酸樱桃是褪黑激素的来源,可以改善人类的睡眠质量。这些结果指出了褪黑激素的食物来源作为预防和治疗睡眠障碍的佐剂的潜在适用性。需要进一步研究以更好地确定与其使用相关的方面。睡眠日记、活动记录或多导睡眠图。研究分析存在局限性,包括治疗剂量和持续时间缺乏同质性。尽管如此,结果表明,牛奶和酸樱桃是褪黑激素的来源,可以改善人类的睡眠质量。这些结果指出了褪黑激素的食物来源作为预防和治疗睡眠障碍的佐剂的潜在适用性。需要进一步研究以更好地确定与其使用相关的方面。这些结果指出了褪黑激素的食物来源作为预防和治疗睡眠障碍的佐剂的潜在适用性。需要进一步研究以更好地确定与其使用相关的方面。这些结果指出了褪黑激素的食物来源作为预防和治疗睡眠障碍的佐剂的潜在适用性。需要进一步研究以更好地确定与其使用相关的方面。