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What is the intrinsic value of fertilizer? Experimental value elicitation and decomposition in the hill and terai regions of Nepal
Food Policy ( IF 6.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.foodpol.2019.101809
Patrick S. Ward , Shweta Gupta , Vartika Singh , David L. Ortega , Shriniwas Gautam

The government in Nepal faces double burden of enhancing fertilizer application rates in the country by investing in efforts to boost demand and at the same time, managing its dependence on global markets to fulfill the supply of important nutrients such as Urea and DAP. Without an understanding of the true valuation of fertilizers for farmers, achieving this balance would be difficult. We use Becker-DeGroot-Marshak value elicitation methods to derive the intrinsic value that farmers in Nepal place on fertilizers. Eliciting values under three distinct procurement scenarios, we are able to decompose the total intrinsic value of fertilizer into a willingness-to-pay (WTP) to travel to procure fertilizer, a WTP for assured fertilizer supplies, and a WTP for the productivity benefits of fertilizer. Disaggregating our sample according to location (hills versus terai), we are able to estimate differences in total intrinsic value as well as value components along these geographical dimensions. While farmers in the hills are generally willing to pay more for urea than their counterparts in the terai, the total amount they are willing to pay is, on average, less than the market price for urea. We explore heterogeneity in valuations and discuss the implications of our findings on fertilizer procurement and distribution policies, as well as direct support policies that the Nepal government may consider. While support policiessuch as subsidies may encourage increased utilization of fertilizers, policies that lower barriers to private sector entry and increase the density of fertilizer retailers could also increase fertilizer utilization.



尼泊尔政府面临着提高该国肥料施用率的双重负担,既要加大投入以促进需求,同时还要管理其对全球市场的依赖,以满足尿素和磷酸二铵等重要营养素的供应。如果不了解农民对肥料的真实估值,就很难实现这种平衡。我们使用 Becker-DeGroot-Marshak 价值获取方法来推导出尼泊尔农民对化肥的内在价值。通过在三种不同的采购场景下得出价值,我们能够将化肥的总内在价值分解为购买化肥的支付意愿 (WTP)、保证化肥供应的支付意愿和生产效率收益的支付意愿。肥料。根据位置(山丘与 terai)分解我们的样本,我们能够估计总内在价值以及沿这些地理维度的价值组成部分的差异。虽然山区农民普遍愿意为尿素支付高于特莱农民的价格,但他们愿意支付的总金额平均低于尿素的市场价格。我们探索估值的异质性,并讨论我们的发现对化肥采购和分销政策的影响,以及尼泊尔政府可能考虑的直接支持政策。虽然补贴等支持政策可能会鼓励增加化肥的使用,但降低私营部门进入壁垒和增加化肥零售商密度的政策也可以增加化肥的使用。