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Preoperative predictive factors affecting return to work in patients with gliomas undergoing awake brain mapping.
Journal of Neuro-Oncology ( IF 3.9 ) Pub Date : 2019-12-18 , DOI: 10.1007/s11060-019-03371-0
Akihito Yoshida 1, 2 , Kazuya Motomura 3 , Atsushi Natsume 3 , Lushun Chalise 3 , Kentaro Iijima 3 , Daisuke Hara 2 , Izumi Kadono 2 , Kenji Wakai 4 , Toshihiko Wakabayashi 3

PURPOSE This study aimed to investigate the preoperative predictive factors affecting return to work in patients with gliomas in the left cerebral hemisphere undergoing awake surgery. METHODS We retrospectively reviewed 50 consecutive glioma patients who underwent awake surgery from January 2012 to July 2017. Adult patients older than 18 years, who reported working prior to surgery, were recruited for this study. RESULTS Comparing sociodemographic, disease-related and preoperative neurocognitive variables of glioma patients who returned to work and those who did not, binomial logistic regression models for preoperative predictors affecting return to work revealed significant differences in age and sole breadwinner status as sociodemographic variables, tumour volume as a disease-related variable, and Verbal IQ, Performance IQ, general memory, attention/concentration, and working memory as neurocognitive variables. Multivariate logistic regression models demonstrated that the independent factors associated with propriety of returning to work 1 year after surgery was the sociodemographic variable sole breadwinner status (yes vs no; OR = 15.00, 95% CI 2.22-101.35, p = 0.01), the disease-related variable tumour volume (per 1 cm3; OR = 0.98, 95% CI 0.96-0.99, p = 0.04), and the preoperative neurocognitive variable general memory (≥ 100 vs < 100; OR = 21.70, 95% CI 2.60-183.94, p = 0.01). CONCLUSIONS Our results suggest that three predictive factors including sole breadwinner status, tumour volume and general memory that can be assessed in the preoperative stage substantially contribute to returning to work in patients with gliomas in the left cerebral hemisphere, 1 year after awake surgery.



目的本研究旨在探讨影响清醒手术后左脑半球神经胶质瘤患者恢复工作的术前预测因素。方法我们回顾性回顾了2012年1月至2017年7月连续进行清醒手术的50例神经胶质瘤患者。本研究招募了18岁以上成年患者,他们报告说在手术前工作过。结果比较了重返工作岗位和未重返工作的神经胶质瘤患者的社会人口统计学,疾病相关和术前神经认知变量,影响术前预测的预测因素的二项式logistic回归模型显示出年龄和唯一经济来源的显着差异,包括社会人口统计学变量,肿瘤体积作为与疾病相关的变量,以及口头智商,表现智商,一般记忆,注意/集中,和工作记忆作为神经认知变量。多元logistic回归模型表明,与手术后1年返回工作的适当性相关的独立因素是社会人口统计学变量唯一的养家糊口状态(是vs否; OR = 15.00,95%CI 2.22-101.35,p = 0.01)相关的可变肿瘤体积(每1 cm3; OR = 0.98,95%CI 0.96-0.99,p = 0.04),以及术前神经认知变量一般记忆(≥100 vs <100; OR = 21.70,95%CI 2.60-183.94 ,p = 0.01)。结论我们的研究结果表明,可以在术前评估的三个预测因素,包括唯一的养家糊口状态,肿瘤体积和一般记忆,实质上有助于左脑半球神经胶质瘤患者恢复工作,