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Epipericardial fat necrosis as cause of chest pain in patient after heart transplantation.
American Journal of Transplantation ( IF 8.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-24 , DOI: 10.1111/ajt.15744
Caio Rebouças Fonseca Cafezeiro 1 , Mariana Pezzute Lopes 1 , Caio Tavares Silva 1 , Mônica Samuel Ávila 1 , Luis Fernando B C Seguro 1 , Sandrigo Mangini 1 , Iáscara Wozniak Campos 1 , Fábio A Gaiotto 1 , Fabiana G Marcondes-Braga 1 , Fernando Bacal 1

Epipericardial fat necrosis is an uncommon clinical condition of unknown etiology. It typically presents as acute pleuritic chest pain and should be differentiated from acute pulmonary embolism and acute coronary syndrome. This condition is diagnosed by characteristic chest computed tomography findings of an ovoid mediastinal fatty lesion with intrinsic and surrounding soft-tissue stranding. Treatment of epipericardial fat necrosis includes the administration of anti-inflammatory agents, and symptoms usually resolve within a few days after treatment initiation. This disease entity has rarely been reported since it was first described in 1957. Most current knowledge of epipericardial fat necrosis is based on case reports that describe this condition in previously healthy individuals. We present the case of a 39-year-old woman with a history of heart transplant, who presented with chest pain secondary to epipericardial fat necrosis. Serial computed tomography revealed lesion resolution after appropriate treatment.



心外膜脂肪坏死是一种病因不明的罕见临床病症。它通常表现为急性胸膜炎性胸痛,应与急性肺栓塞和急性冠脉综合征相鉴别。这种情况是通过特征性的胸部计算机断层扫描发现卵圆形纵隔脂肪病变并伴有内在和周围的软组织绞合来诊断的。心包脂肪坏死的治疗包括给予抗炎药,症状通常在治疗开始后几天内消退。这种疾病实体自 1957 年首次被描述以来很少被报道。目前大多数关于心包脂肪坏死的知识都是基于描述以前健康个体的这种情况的病例报告。我们介绍了一名有心脏移植病史的 39 岁女性的病例,她因心包脂肪坏死继发胸痛就诊。连续计算机断层扫描显示经过适当治疗后病变消退。