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Impact of screening on cervical cancer incidence: A population-based case-control study in the United States.
International Journal of Cancer ( IF 6.4 ) Pub Date : 2019-12-13 , DOI: 10.1002/ijc.32826
Rebecca Landy 1, 2 , Peter D Sasieni 3 , Christopher Mathews 3 , Charles L Wiggins 4 , Michael Robertson 5 , Yolanda J McDonald 6 , Daniel W Goldberg 7 , Isabel C Scarinci 8 , Jack Cuzick 1 , Cosette M Wheeler 9 ,

Cervical cancer is widely preventable through screening, but little is known about the duration of protection offered by a negative screen in North America. A case–control study was conducted with records from population‐based registries in New Mexico. Cases were women diagnosed with cervical cancer in 2006–2016, obtained from the Tumor Registry. Five controls per case from the New Mexico HPV Pap Registry were matched to cases by sex, age and place of residence. Dates and results of all cervical screening and diagnostic tests since 2006 were identified from the pap registry. We estimated the odds ratio of nonlocalized (Stage II+) and localized (Stage I) cervical cancer associated with attending screening in the 3 years prior to case‐diagnosis compared to women not screened in 5 years. Of 876 cases, 527 were aged 25–64 years with ≥3 years of potential screening data. Only 38% of cases and 61% of controls attended screening in a 3‐year period. Women screened in the 3 years prior to diagnosis had 83% lower risk of nonlocalized cancer (odds ratio [OR] = 0.17, 95% CI: 0.12–0.24) and 48% lower odds of localized cancer (OR = 0.52, 95% CI: 0.38–0.72), compared to women not screened in the 5 years prior to diagnosis. Women remained at low risk of nonlocalized cancer for 3.5–5 years after a negative screen compared to women with no negative screens in the 5 years prior to diagnosis. Routine cervical screening is effective at preventing localized and nonlocalized cervical cancers; 3 yearly screening prevents 83% of nonlocalized cancers, with no additional benefit of more frequent screening. Increasing screening coverage remains essential to further reduce cervical cancer incidence.



宫颈癌可通过筛查广泛预防,但对北美阴性筛查提供的保护持续时间知之甚少。使用来自新墨西哥州人口登记处的记录进行了病例对照研究。病例是从肿瘤登记处获得的 2006-2016 年被诊断患有宫颈癌的女性。来自新墨西哥州 HPV 巴氏涂片登记处的每个病例的五个对照与性别、年龄和居住地的病例相匹配。自 2006 年以来,所有宫颈筛查和诊断测试的日期和结果均从 pap 登记处确定。我们估计了病例诊断前 3 年内与未接受筛查的女性相比,非局部(II 期 +)和局部(I 期)宫颈癌的优势比。在 876 例中,527 名年龄在 25-64 岁之间,具有≥3 年的潜在筛查数据。在 3 年期间,只有 38% 的病例和 61% 的对照组参加了筛查。在诊断前 3 年接受筛查的女性患非局限性癌症的风险降低了 83%(优势比 [OR] = 0.17,95% CI:0.12-0.24),患局限性癌症的风险降低了 48%(OR = 0.52,95% CI : 0.38–0.72),与诊断前 5 年内未接受筛查的女性相比。与在诊断前 5 年内未进行阴性筛查的女性相比,女性在筛查阴性后的 3.5-5 年内仍处于非局部癌症的低风险中。常规宫颈筛查可有效预防局部和非局部宫颈癌;每年 3 次筛查可预防 83% 的非局部癌症,但更频繁的筛查并没有额外的好处。