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Relationship between green public procurement criteria and sustainability assessment tools applied to office buildings
Environmental Impact Assessment Review ( IF 6.122 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.eiar.2019.106310
Marta Braulio-Gonzalo , María D. Bovea

Abstract Green Public Procurement (GPP) plays an important role in facing the challenge of reducing the environmental impacts from construction sector-related products, services and works, and creating environmental and innovative value for society in favour of a greener and more sustainable economy. The European Commission recently developed GPP criteria for the “office buildings” category. In parallel, Building Sustainability Assessment (BSA) tools help estimate a building's impact on the environment based on a life cycle approach. Many of the aspects and measurable indicators included in BSA tools are clearly related to the criteria covered by GPP. However, other important ones are missing and should be integrated to ensure green procurement initiatives. This study critically reviews the GPP criteria proposed for office buildings and crosschecks them with the sustainability indicators included in three BSA tools to reinforce the GPP framework for the office buildings sector. It provides, on the one hand, an evaluation of the rate of improvement achieved in the tools when applying GPP criteria and, on the other, a proposal for a weighting system for awarding points to the offers in tenders. The results will help contracting authorities to introduce more objectivity into the tendering process and to make informed decisions while evaluating bidders' proposals.



摘要 绿色公共采购(GPP)在应对减少建筑行业相关产品、服务和工程对环境的影响、为社会创造环境和创新价值以促进更绿色和更可持续经济的挑战方面发挥着重要作用。欧盟委员会最近制定了“办公楼”类别的 GPP 标准。同时,建筑可持续性评估 (BSA) 工具有助于根据生命周期方法评估建筑对环境的影响。BSA 工具中包含的许多方面和可衡量指标与 GPP 涵盖的标准明显相关。但是,缺少其他重要的内容,应加以整合以确保绿色采购计划。本研究批判性地审查了针对办公楼提出的 GPP 标准,并将其与三个 BSA 工具中包含的可持续性指标进行交叉检查,以加强办公楼部门的 GPP 框架。一方面,它提供了在应用 GPP 标准时对工具改进率的评估,另一方面,它提供了一个加权系统的建议,用于为投标中的报价授予积分。结果将有助于订约当局在投标过程中引入更多的客观性,并在评估投标人的建议时做出明智的决定。评估在应用 GPP 标准时工具中实现的改进率,另一方面是对投标报价的加权系统的建议。结果将有助于订约当局在投标过程中引入更多的客观性,并在评估投标人的建议时做出明智的决定。评估在应用 GPP 标准时工具中实现的改进率,另一方面是对投标报价的加权系统的建议。结果将有助于订约当局在投标过程中引入更多的客观性,并在评估投标人的建议时做出明智的决定。