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Narrow Complex Tachycardia With an Unusual Block.
Circulation ( IF 37.8 ) Pub Date : 2019-12-09 , DOI: 10.1161/circulationaha.119.043297
Derek S Chew 1, 2 , F Russell Quinn 1 , Stephen B Wilton 1

A 40-year-old man was referred to a tertiary center for consideration of ablation of a symptomatic supraventricular tachycardia resistant to oral bisoprolol (Figure 1). What is the underlying mechanism of arrhythmia, and what are the differential diagnostic considerations?

Figure 1. Twelve-lead ECG.

Please turn the page to read the diagnosis.

The ECG reveals a narrow complex tachycardia with a ventricular rate of 108 beats/min and nonspecific ST-T wave changes. P waves are upright in lead V1 and inverted in leads II, III, and aVF, suggesting retrograde atrial activation. There is a short R-P interval (85 ms), and the P waves are mainly conducted with a 2:1 ratio (Figure 2).

Figure 2. Annotated 12-lead ECG. The ECG reveals a narrow complex tachycardia with a ventricular rate of 108 beats/min and nonspecific ST-T wave changes. P waves consistent with retrograde atrial activation are seen (labeled with arrow), along with a short R-P interval (85 ms) and intermittent 2:1 ventriculoatrial conduction.

The differential diagnosis for a narrow complex tachycardia with ventriculoatrial dissociation includes (1) atrioventricular nodal reentrant tachycardia with retrograde block in the upper common pathway, (2) junctional tachycardia with retrograde block to the atrium, and (3) orthodromic reciprocating nodofascicular or nodoventricular tachycardia with block to the atrium (Figure 3). The presence of atrioventricular dissociation rules out the possibility of conventional orthodromic atrioventricular reentrant tachycardia because the atrium is a required part of this circuit.

Figure 3. Differential diagnosis of supraventricular tachycardia with ventriculoatrial block. Schematic of mechanisms of supraventricular tachycardia with ventriculoatrial dissociation. The main differential includes: atrioventricular nodal reentrant tachycardia with retrograde block in the upper common pathway (A), junctional tachycardia with retrograde block to the atrium (B), orthodromic reciprocating nodofascicular tachycardia with block to the atrium (C), and orthodromic reciprocating nodoventricular tachycardia with block to the atrium (D). AVN indicates atrioventricular node; FP, fast pathway; NF, nodofascicular; NV, nodoventricular; and SP, slow pathway.

He underwent an electrophysiology study, which was consistent with a diagnosis of junctional tachycardia: premature atrial beats timed to septal refractoriness had no effect on the tachycardia cycle length; scanning premature atrial beats early in the diastolic interval would advance the immediate His potential with subsequent continuation of tachycardia; and ventricular extrastimuli timed to His refractoriness did not affect the timing of the next His activation.1 It is interesting to note that during the study, there were periods of marked sinus bradycardia with complete atrioventricular dissociation and a narrow complex tachycardia (Figure 4).

Figure 4. Twelve-lead ECG on day of electrophysiology study. The ECG reveals sinus bradycardia with atrioventricular dissociation and a narrow complex tachycardia at a rate of 118 beats/min.

Given that the junctional tachycardia focus typically lies in close anatomic proximity to the compact atrioventricular node, radiofrequency ablation was not attempted during the procedure because of the high risk of iatrogenic atrioventricular block. He was started on sotalol 120 mg twice daily with good response and maintained normal sinus rhythm on a follow-up 48-hour Holter monitor.

Junctional tachycardia is an arrhythmia, well-described in pediatric patients, that can occur spontaneously or as a postoperative sequela of congenital heart surgery. In adults, junctional tachycardia is uncommon but may occur transiently after slow pathway modification in the electrophysiology laboratory or after cardiopulmonary bypass as a result of ischemic injury to the conduction system and postoperative inotropic agents. In addition, junctional tachycardia may be observed in the setting of myocardial ischemia or digoxin toxicity.2 In some patients, junctional tachycardia presents nearly continuously (also known as incessant junctional tachycardia). The mechanism of arrhythmia is likely enhanced automaticity, although triggered activity may contribute in some patients.3

Differentiation of junctional tachycardia from atrioventricular nodal reentrant tachycardia is clinically important, because ablation of junctional tachycardia is associated with a higher risk of atrioventricular block and reserved for cases where medical therapy is ineffective or contraindicated.2 Features that increase the likelihood of a diagnosis of junctional tachycardia include incessant tachycardia and the presence of atrioventricular dissociation. The onset of tachycardia is spontaneous, does not require initiation with a premature atrial or ventricular beat (unlike atrioventricular nodal reentrant tachycardia), and has a gradual onset (ie, warm-up phenomenon). During tachycardia, this arrhythmia may have varying degrees of cycle length irregularity or variation in heart rate. Last, overdrive pacing or electrical cardioversion does not reliably terminate the tachycardia.2 Confirmation of a diagnosis can be made during an invasive electrophysiology study.1

Dr Chew is supported by a Canadian Institutes of Health Research Banting Fellowship and an Arthur JE Child Cardiology Fellowship.






图1. 十二导联心电图。


ECG显示狭窄的复杂性心动过速,心室速率为108次/分钟,且ST-T波无特异性变化。P波在V 1导线中直立,而在II,III和aVF导线中倒置,表明心房逆行激活。RP间隔很短(85 ms),P波主要以2:1的比率传导(图2)。

图2.带 注释的12导联心电图。ECG显示狭窄的复杂性心动过速,心室速率为108次/分钟,且ST-T波无特异性变化。观察到与逆行性心房激活一致的P波(用箭头标记),以及短的RP间隔(85毫秒)和间断的2:1心室心房传导。


图3. 房室传导阻滞与室上性心动过速的鉴别诊断。室上性心动过速与室性心房分离的机制示意图。主要区别包括:房室结折返性心动过速,在上共同通路中逆行阻滞(A),交界性心动过速至心房逆行阻滞(B),正向往复性十二指肠性心动过速而对心房阻滞(C),以及正向往复性窦性心动过速心动过速,心房阻塞(D)。AVN表示房室结;FP,快速通道;NF,结节性;NV,结节性脑室;和SP,缓慢的路径。


图4. 电生理研究当天的十二导联心电图。心电图显示窦性心动过缓伴房室解离和狭窄的复杂心动过速,搏动速度为118次/分钟。

考虑到交界性心动过速的焦点通常位于紧密的房室结解剖附近,因此在手术过程中未尝试进行射频消融,原因是医源性房室传导阻滞的风险很高。他开始服用索他洛尔120 mg,每天两次,反应良好,并在后续的48小时动态心电图监护仪上维持正常的窦性心律。



周博士获得了加拿大卫生研究院禁止研究金和Arthur JE儿童心脏病学研究金的支持。


