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Proposition for a new classification of gully erosion using multifractal and lacunarity analysis: A complex of gullies in the Palmital stream watershed, Minas Gerais (Brazil)
Catena ( IF 6.2 ) Pub Date : 2019-12-07 , DOI: 10.1016/j.catena.2019.104377
Ligia Sampaio Corte Real , Silvio Crestana , Rogério Resende Martins Ferreira , Joel Barbujiani Sígolo , Valéria Guimarães Silvestre Rodrigues

The pressure that humanity applies to the environment is reaching alarming levels. Prevention, mitigation and recovery measures need to be put into practice to conserve the environment for future generations. In cases such as large-scale gully erosion, the problem of soil removal is irreversible, but adequate management could stabilize this impact. In this sense, we studied the Palmital stream watershed in Minas Gerais state, Brazil, and applied a new approach to the study of gully erosion based on two main aspects: the temporal evaluation of gullies using multifractal and lacunarity analysis and a proposition for a new gully design (a complex of gullies). Using remote sensing and geoprocessing, we obtained images of the gullies in the Palmital stream watershed for the years 2002, 2007, 2014 and 2016; the gully designs were binarized and used in two free software programs Multifractal Analysis and Scaling System (MASS), from the International Potato Center (CIP), Peru, and FracLac, a plugin for ImageJ from the National Institutes of Health (NIH), United States of America, to perform multifractal and lacunarity analyses. After that, we segmented the entire watershed image and re-evaluated it using the same software. We found that the gullies were multifractal, translationally invariant, not random, relatively homogeneous and grouped, which means that these gullies behave more as groups linked to an environmental characteristic (fault and shear zones with northwest-southeast direction, for instance) than individual gullies. Therefore, we proposed a new classification called the complex of gullies to rearrange their designs as connected features. Then, we performed multifractal and lacunarity analysis of these new complex images, following the same steps as those performed on the initial images, and found better results compared to the former designs. This new approach could help land managers prevent gully advancement and develop more efficient recovery projects, and we recommend further studies to improve the validation of the proposition.



人类对环境的压力正达到惊人的水平。需要采取预防,缓解和恢复措施,以保护子孙后代的环境。在诸如大规模沟壑侵蚀的情况下,土壤清除的问题是不可逆的,但是适当的管理可以稳定这种影响。从这个意义上讲,我们研究了巴西米纳斯吉拉斯州的Palmital流域,并基于两个主要方面将一种新的方法应用于沟壑侵蚀研究:使用多重分形和盲点分析对沟壑进行时间评估,并提出了一个新的提议。沟渠设计(复杂的沟渠)。通过遥感和地理处理,我们获得了2002年,2007年,2014年和2016年Palmital流域中的沟壑图像。沟渠设计进行了二值化处理,并在秘鲁国际马铃薯中心(CIP)的两个免费软件程序Multifractal Analysis and Scaling System(MASS)和美国国立卫生研究院(NIH)的ImageJ插件FracLac中使用美利坚合众国,进行多重分形和盲点分析。之后,我们分割了整个分水岭图像,并使用相同的软件对其进行了重新评估。我们发现,这些沟壑是多重分形的,平移不变的,不是随机的,相对均质的和成组的,这意味着这些沟壑的表现与单个环境的沟壑相比,更多地表现为与环境特征相关的群体(例如,具有西北-东南方向的断裂带和剪切带)。 。因此,我们提出了一种新的分类,称为“沟壑复合体”,以将其设计重新排列为相互连接的要素。然后,我们按照与原始图像相同的步骤,对这些新的复杂图像进行了多重分形和盲点分析,与以前的设计相比,发现了更好的结果。这种新方法可以帮助土地管理者防止沟渠的发展并开发更有效的恢复项目,我们建议进行进一步的研究以改善该建议的有效性。
