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Advances in our understanding of the structure and functionality of edible fats and fat mimetics.
Soft Matter ( IF 3.4 ) Pub Date : 2019-12-16 , DOI: 10.1039/c9sm01704f
Alejandro G Marangoni 1 , John P M van Duynhoven , Nuria C Acevedo , Reed A Nicholson , Ashok R Patel

The reasons for the increased world-wide incidence of obesity, type-2 diabetes, and cardiovascular disease include sedentary lifestyles and poor food choices. Regulatory agencies in several countries now require companies to add unattractive front of package labels to their products where salt, sugar and fat (or saturated fat) levels are prominently displayed. After the demise of partially hydrogenated fats, saturated fat has become the new target. Consumption of saturated fat over polyunsaturated oil has been clearly shown to increase cholesterol levels in humans. However, saturated fats provide the functionality required in many food products. To complicate matters, concerns over sustainability, veganism, genetically modified organisms, animal welfare, as well as religious beliefs, severely limit our sources of saturated fat. In this review we will discuss recent advances in our understanding of the nano and mesoscale structure of fats, responsible for their physical functionality and contrast it to that of fat mimetics. Fat mimetics include polymeric networks of ethylcellulose, emulsion-templated networks of proteins and polysaccharides, colloidal and self-assembled fibrillar networks of polar lipid crystals, as well as solid o/w emulsions of oil trapped within crystallized lamellar mesophases. Clean label and economic considerations will also be touched upon.



肥胖,2型糖尿病和心血管疾病在全球范围内发病率上升的原因包括久坐的生活方式和不良的食物选择。现在,多个国家/地区的监管机构要求公司在产品中的盐,糖和脂肪(或饱和脂肪)含量突出的产品上添加不吸引人的包装标签正面。在部分氢化的脂肪消亡之后,饱和脂肪已成为新的目标。与多不饱和油相比,饱和脂肪的消耗已被清楚地表明会增加人体中的胆固醇水平。但是,饱和脂肪提供了许多食品所需的功能。使问题复杂化的是,对可持续性,素食,转基因生物,动物福利以及宗教信仰的关注严重限制了我们的饱和脂肪来源。在这篇综述中,我们将讨论我们对脂肪的纳米和中尺度结构的理解的最新进展,这些进展负责它们的物理功能并将其与脂肪模拟物进行对比。脂肪模拟物包括乙基纤维素的聚合物网络,蛋白质和多糖的乳液模板网络,极性脂质晶体的胶体和自组装原纤维网络,以及结晶的层状中间相中捕获的油的固态o / w乳液。干净的标签和经济方面的考虑也将涉及。极性脂质晶体的胶体和自组装原纤维网络,以及结晶的层状中间相中捕获的油的固体o / w乳状液。干净的标签和经济方面的考虑也将涉及。极性脂质晶体的胶体和自组装原纤维网络,以及结晶的层状中间相中捕获的油的固体o / w乳状液。干净的标签和经济方面的考虑也将涉及。