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Move the north: evaluation of a regional stakeholder engagement initiative to support the development of a community-partnered physical activity research agenda
Research Involvement and Engagement Pub Date : 2019-11-27 , DOI: 10.1186/s40900-019-0167-x
Chelsea Pelletier 1 , Anne Pousette 2, 3, 4 , Gloria Fox 5 , Robin Keahey 1 , Kirsten Ward 1 , Guy Faulkner 6 , Drona Rasali 7 , Sandra Allison 1, 5, 8

Although it is generally accepted that engaging with members of the public contributes to more actionable and relevant research, there are a limited number of reported evaluations of community engagement initiatives. Certain populations, such as those with lower socioeconomic status and those who live in rural or dispersed communities, tend to face increased barriers to engagement. For researchers and community members alike, it is important to understand and evaluate engagement initiatives to support participatory research methods, particularly when working with underserved or hard to reach populations. Over 2-days in October 2018, we hosted a Research Agenda Development Workshop and Physical Activity Summit with relevant researchers, health professionals, and community partners. The objectives of this initiative were to develop a physical activity research agenda based on community-identified priorities, create networking opportunities, and understand factors impacting physical activity participation in communities across northern British Columbia (BC). An evaluation plan was created early in the planning process to understand the reach of the event based on representation targets. Stakeholder satisfaction with the event was evaluated with a post-meeting survey. The event was successful in engaging community members from a broad geographic region with at least 90 people in attendance from 11 different northern BC communities, representing 46 different organizations. Meeting attendees indicated they were satisfied with the event and felt their perspectives were heard. To advance physical activity in the region, the most commonly desired outcome from the event was the need for ongoing communication channels to support knowledge translation and capacity building in the low-resourced communities of northern BC. There were some gaps in representation targets present at the event. Namely, there were a limited number of people representing Indigenous organizations, and the education and private sectors. This two-day event was successful at achieving its objectives and engaged a diverse group of stakeholders from a broad geographic region. The outcomes from this event are being used to develop a community-partnered physical activity research agenda and contribute to ongoing learning by the research team to understand contextual factors influencing physical activity in the communities of northern BC. This model of engagement could be used by other researchers interested in engaging with a diverse, multi-sector group of academics, health professionals and community members to support community-centered population health research.



尽管人们普遍认为,与公众互动有助于开展更具可操作性和相关性的研究,但对社区参与计划的评估报告数量有限。某些人群,例如社会经济地位较低的人群和居住在农村或分散社区的人群,往往面临更多的参与障碍。对于研究人员和社区成员来说,了解和评估参与计划以支持参与式研究方法非常重要,特别是在与服务不足或难以接触到的人群合作时。在 2018 年 10 月的两天内,我们与相关研究人员、卫生专业人员和社区合作伙伴共同举办了研究议程发展研讨会和体育活动峰会。该倡议的目标是根据社区确定的优先事项制定体育活动研究议程,创造交流机会,并了解影响不列颠哥伦比亚省 (BC) 北部社区体育活动参与的因素。在规划过程的早期就制定了评估计划,以根据代表目标了解活动的影响范围。通过会后调查评估了利益相关者对活动的满意度。该活动成功地吸引了来自广泛地理区域的社区成员参与,来自卑诗省北部 11 个不同社区的至少 90 人参加了会议,代表 46 个不同的组织。与会者表示他们对此次活动感到满意,并认为他们的观点得到了倾听。为了促进该地区的体育活动,该活动最普遍期望的结果是需要持续的沟通渠道来支持不列颠哥伦比亚省北部资源匮乏社区的知识转化和能力建设。此次活动的代表性目标存在一些差距。也就是说,代表土著组织、教育和私营部门的人数有限。这个为期两天的活动成功地实现了其目标,并吸引了来自广泛地理区域的不同利益相关者群体。该活动的成果被用于制定与社区合作的体育活动研究议程,并有助于研究团队不断学习,以了解影响不列颠哥伦比亚省北部社区体育活动的背景因素。