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Evaluation of a voluntary nutritional information program versus calorie labelling on menus in Canadian restaurants: a quasi-experimental study design.
International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity ( IF 8.7 ) Pub Date : 2019-10-25 , DOI: 10.1186/s12966-019-0854-x
Lana Vanderlee 1 , Christine M White 1 , David Hammond 1

BACKGROUND A significant proportion of the Canadian diet comes from foods purchased in restaurant settings. In an effort to promote healthy eating, the province of British Columbia (BC) implemented the Informed Dining Program (IDP), a voluntary, industry supported information program in 2012, while the province of Ontario implemented mandatory calorie labelling on menus in 2017. The study examined differences in awareness and the self-reported influence of nutrition information on food choices in restaurants with voluntary nutrition information, calorie labelling on menus, and no nutrition information program. METHODS Exit surveys were conducted outside of nine chain restaurants in Toronto, Ontario and Vancouver, British Columbia (Canada) in 2012, 2015, and 2017 with varying nutrition information programs implemented. Logistic regression analyses compared self-reported noticing and influence of nutrition information in restaurants with: 1) the IDP which provided nutrition information upon request, 2) calorie labelling on menus, and 3) control restaurants with no specific nutrition information program in place, adjusted for year, city and socio-demographic characteristics. Awareness and knowledge of the IDP were also examined. RESULTS There were no significant differences in noticing and self-reported influence of nutrition information on food choices between restaurants with the IDP and restaurants with no program. Participants were more likely to notice nutrition information in restaurants when calorie information was provided on menus (57%) compared to in restaurants with the IDP (22%, AOR = 6.20, 95%CI 3.51-10.94, p < 0.001) or restaurants with no nutrition information program (20%, AOR = 7.44, 95%CI 4.21-13.13, p < 0.001). Participants in restaurants with menu labelling were also more likely to report that nutrition information influenced their food purchase (38%) compared to restaurants with the IDP (12%, AOR = 4.43, 95%CI 2.36-8.30, p < 0.001) and restaurants with no nutrition information program (12%, AOR = 5.29, 95%CI 2.81-9.95, p < 0.001). Fewer than 1 in 5 participants who visited an IDP restaurant had heard of the IDP across all data collection years in both cities. CONCLUSIONS There was no evidence that voluntary programs which provide nutrition information upon request were effective. Providing calorie information on menus increased the likelihood that consumers noticed and that their food choices were influenced by nutrition information in restaurant settings.



背景技术加拿大饮食中很大一部分来自在餐馆环境中购买的食物。为了促进健康饮食,不列颠哥伦比亚省(BC)于2012年实施了由业界自愿提供的信息化用餐计划(IDP),而安大略省则于2017年在菜单上实施了强制性卡路里标签。这项研究使用自愿性营养信息,菜单上的卡路里标签以及没有营养信息程序的方法,检查了饮食信息中营养信息的意识差异和自我报告的影响对餐馆食物选择的影响。方法2012年,2015年和2017年,在多伦多,安大略省和温哥华,不列颠哥伦比亚省(加拿大)的9家连锁餐厅外进行了出口调查,并实施了各种营养信息计划。Logistic回归分析比较了餐厅的自我报告注意和营养信息的影响:1)IDP根据要求提供营养信息; 2)卡路里标签在菜单上; 3)控制餐厅,没有适当的营养信息程序,需要进行调整年份,城市和社会人口特征。还检查了对国内流离失所者的认识和知识。结果在没有IDP的餐馆和没有计划的餐馆之间,营养信息的注意和自我报告的影响对食物选择的影响没有显着差异。与IDP的餐厅(22%,AOR = 6.20,95%的CI 3.51-10.94,p <0)相比,参与者在菜单上提供卡路里信息时更有可能注意到餐厅的营养信息(57%)。001)或没有营养信息程序的餐厅(20%,AOR = 7.44,95%CI 4.21-13.13,p <0.001)。与带有IDP的餐厅(12%,AOR = 4.43,95%CI 2.36-8.30,p <0.001)和餐厅相比,带有菜单标签的餐厅的参与者更有可能报告营养信息对他们的食物购买产生了影响(38%)。没有营养信息计划(12%,AOR = 5.29,95%CI 2.81-9.95,p <0.001)。在两个城市的所有数据收集年份中,访问IDP餐馆的参与者中只有不到五分之一的人听说过IDP。结论没有证据表明根据要求提供营养信息的自愿性计划是有效的。