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Indications for and complications of intestinal stomas in the children and adults at a tertiary care hospital in a resource-limited setting: a Tanzanian experience
BMC Gastroenterology ( IF 2.4 ) Pub Date : 2019-08-28 , DOI: 10.1186/s12876-019-1070-5
Alicia Massenga , Alfred Chibwae , Aloyce A. Nuri , Merchades Bugimbi , Yasin K. Munisi , Ramadhani Mfinanga , Phillipo L. Chalya

An intestinal stoma, though a life-saving procedure on the care of many gastrointestinal conditions, carries significant number of complications. This study describes the common indications, complications, and management of stomas and identifies the factors that are associated with these complications in a tertiary care hospital in Tanzania. A cross-sectional study of patients with intestinal stomas was conducted at Bugando Medical Centre (BMC) between July 2016 and June 2017. Ethical approval to conduct the study was obtained from relevant authority before the commencement of the study. A total of 167 patients (M: F = 1.2:1) were enrolled in the study. The mean age at diagnosis was 0.6 ± 1.4 years for children and mean age for adults was 36.7 ± 15.8 years. Anorectal malformation (110, 89.4%) was the most common indication for intestinal stoma formation in children, while bowel perforation (14, 31.8%) was the main indications in adults. The sigmoid colon (137, 82.0%) was the most common anatomical site for stoma formation followed by the ileum (18, 10.8%). Stoma prolapse (18, 41.9%) was the most frequent complication of a stoma, whereas, surgical site infection (9, 34.6%) was the most frequent complication after stoma closure. Thirty five (26.7.%) of the children developed stomal complications, while only 8 (22.2%) of the adults developed complications. The level of training of operating surgeon and timing of surgery were the main predictors of stoma-related complications (p < 0.034 and 0.013), whereas the level of training of the operating surgeon and the type of stoma closure were significantly associated with the complications related to stoma closure (p < 0.001). The intestinal stomas performed at BMC are associated with various complications, which in turn, become a burden to the patients. The insights observed in the current study may apply to other tertiary hospitals in Tanzania and Africa at large. We suggest that the keystones for improvement and control in the formation and complications of intestinal stomas are the following; colostomy formation should rarely be done in transverse colon, the procedure should be carried out by senior doctors (specialist) or junior doctors under close and direct supervision of the specialists, using proper meticulous techniques, and the need to determine and/or improve techniques for early detection of complications.



肠造口虽然可以在许多胃肠道疾病的治疗中挽救生命,但却会带来大量并发症。这项研究描述了气孔的常见适应症,并发症和处理方法,并确定了坦桑尼亚三级医院的与这些并发症相关的因素。在2016年7月至2017年6月期间,在Bugando医学中心(BMC)进行了肠道气孔患者的横断面研究。在研究开始之前,已获得有关当局的伦理批准。该研究共纳入167名患者(M:F = 1.2:1)。儿童的平均诊断年龄为0.6±1.4岁,成人的平均年龄为36.7±15.8岁。肛肠畸形(110,89。儿童肠造口形成最常见的指征是4%,而肠穿孔(14,31.8%)是成人的主要指征。乙状结肠(137,82.0%)是造口最常见的解剖部位,其次是回肠(18,10.8%)。造口关闭后,造口脱出(18,41.9%)是最常见的并发症,而手术部位感染(9,34.6%)是造口关闭后最常见的并发症。儿童中有三十五名(26.7%)发生了气孔并发症,而成年人中只有八名(22.2%)出现了并发症。手术操作者的培训水平和手术时间是造口相关并发症的主要预测指标(p <0.034和0.013),而手术医生的培训水平和造口关闭的类型与造口关闭相关的并发症显着相关(p <0.001)。在BMC进行的肠口气与各种并发症有关,这反过来又成为患者的负担。本研究中观察到的见解可能适用于坦桑尼亚和整个非洲的其他三级医院。我们认为,改善和控制肠口气形成和并发症的关键因素如下:结肠造口术很少在横结肠进行,该手术应由高级医生(专科医生)或初级医生在专家的密切直接指导下,采用适当的细致技术进行,