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Acute poisoning related to the recreational use of prescription drugs: an observational study from Oslo, Norway
BMC Emergency Medicine ( IF 2.5 ) Pub Date : 2019-10-15 , DOI: 10.1186/s12873-019-0271-0
Marit Mæhle Grimsrud , Mette Brekke , Victoria Lykke Syse , Odd Martin Vallersnes

Recreational use of prescription drugs is widespread. We describe acute poisonings related to the recreational use of prescription drugs. Retrospective observational study. We retrospectively registered all patients presenting from October 2013 through March 2015 at a primary care emergency outpatient clinic in Oslo, Norway, with an acute poisoning related to recreational drug use. We registered demographic data, toxic agents taken, clinical course and treatment. From this data set we extracted the 819/2218 (36.9%) cases involving one or more prescription drugs. Among the 819 included cases, 190 (23.2%) were female. Median age was 37 years. The drugs most commonly involved were benzodiazepines in 696 (85.0%) cases, methadone in 60 (7.3%), buprenorphine in 53 (6.5%), other opioids in 56 (6.8%), zopiclone/zolpidem in 26 (3.2%), and methylphenidate in 11 (1.3%). Prescription drugs were combined with other toxic agents in 659 (80.5%) cases; heroin in 351 (42.9%), ethanol in 232 (28.3%), amphetamine in 141 (17.2%), cannabis in 70 (8.5%), gamma-hydroxybutyrate (GHB) in 34 (4.2%), cocaine in 29 (3.5%), and other illegal drugs in 46 (5.6%). The patient was given naloxone in 133 (16.2%) cases, sedation in 15 (1.8%), and flumazenil in 3 (0.4%). In 157 (19.2%) cases, the patient was sent on to hospital. One in three acute poisonings related to recreational drug use involved prescription drugs. Benzodiazepines were by far the most common class of drugs. Prescription drugs had mostly been taken in combination with illegal drugs or ethanol.



娱乐性地使用处方药。我们描述了与休闲使用处方药有关的急性中毒。回顾性观察研究。我们回顾性地记录了2013年10月至2015年3月在挪威奥斯陆的一家急诊门诊就诊的所有与娱乐性毒品使用有关的急性中毒患者。我们记录了人口统计数据,服用的毒剂,临床病程和治疗方法。从该数据集中,我们提取了涉及一种或多种处方药的819/2218(36.9%)病例。在包括的819个病例中,有190个(23.2%)是女性。中位年龄为37岁。最常用的药物是苯二氮卓类药物696(85.0%),美沙酮60(7.3%),丁丙诺啡53(6.5%),其他阿片类药物56(6.8%),佐匹克隆/ zolpidem 26(3.2%),哌醋甲酯占11(1.3%)。659例(80.5%)的患者将处方药与其他有毒药物联合使用;海洛因351(42.9%),乙醇232(28.3%),苯丙胺141(17.2%),大麻70(8.5%),γ-羟基丁酸酯(GHB)34(4.2%),可卡因29(3.5) %)和其他非法药物中的46(5.6%)。133例(16.2%)患者接受纳洛酮治疗,15例(1.8%)患者给予镇静,3例(0.4%)患者给予氟马西尼。在157例(19.2%)病例中,该患者被送往医院。与娱乐性毒品使用相关的三分之二的急性中毒涉及处方药。迄今为止,苯二氮卓类药物是最常见的一类药物。处方药大多与非法药物或乙醇合用。苯丙胺为141(17.2%),大麻为70(8.5%),γ-羟基丁酸酯(GHB)为34(4.2%),可卡因为29(3.5%),其他非法药物为46(5.6%)。患者接受纳洛酮治疗133(16.2%),镇静剂治疗15(1.8%),氟马西尼治疗3(0.4%)。在157例(19.2%)病例中,该患者被送往医院。与娱乐性毒品使用相关的三分之二的急性中毒涉及处方药。到目前为止,苯二氮卓类药物是最常见的一类药物。处方药大多与非法药物或乙醇合用。苯丙胺为141(17.2%),大麻为70(8.5%),γ-羟基丁酸酯(GHB)为34(4.2%),可卡因为29(3.5%),其他非法药物为46(5.6%)。患者接受纳洛酮治疗133(16.2%),镇静剂治疗15(1.8%),氟马西尼治疗3(0.4%)。在157例(19.2%)病例中,该患者被送往医院。与娱乐性毒品使用相关的三分之二的急性中毒涉及处方药。迄今为止,苯二氮卓类药物是最常见的一类药物。处方药大多与非法药物或乙醇合用。病人被送往医院。与娱乐性毒品使用有关的三分之二的急性中毒涉及处方药。迄今为止,苯二氮卓类药物是最常见的一类药物。处方药大多与非法药物或乙醇合用。病人被送往医院。与娱乐性毒品使用相关的三分之二的急性中毒涉及处方药。迄今为止,苯二氮卓类药物是最常见的一类药物。处方药大多与非法药物或乙醇合用。