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Enhancing the thermostability and activity of uronate dehydrogenase from Agrobacterium tumefaciens LBA4404 by semi-rational engineering
Bioresources and Bioprocessing ( IF 4.6 ) Pub Date : 2019-09-23 , DOI: 10.1186/s40643-019-0267-3
Hui-Hui Su , Fei Peng , Pei Xu , Xiao-Ling Wu , Min-Hua Zong , Ji-Guo Yang , Wen-Yong Lou


Glucaric acid, one of the aldaric acids, has been declared a “top value-added chemical from biomass”, and is especially important in the food and pharmaceutical industries. Biocatalytic production of glucaric acid from glucuronic acid is more environmentally friendly, efficient and economical than chemical synthesis. Uronate dehydrogenases (UDHs) are the key enzymes for the preparation of glucaric acid in this way, but the poor thermostability and low activity of UDH limit its industrial application. Therefore, improving the thermostability and activity of UDH, for example by semi-rational design, is a major research goal.


In the present work, three UDHs were obtained from different Agrobacterium tumefaciens strains. The three UDHs have an approximate molecular weight of 32 kDa and all contain typically conserved UDH motifs. All three UDHs showed optimal activity within a pH range of 6.0–8.5 and at a temperature of 30 °C, but the UDH from A. tumefaciens (At) LBA4404 had a better catalytic efficiency than the other two UDHs (800 vs 600 and 530 s−1 mM−1). To further boost the catalytic performance of the UDH from AtLBA4404, site-directed mutagenesis based on semi-rational design was carried out. An A39P/H99Y/H234K triple mutant showed a 400-fold improvement in half-life at 59 °C, a 5 °C improvement in \( {\text{T}}_{ 5 0}^{ 1 0} \) value and a 2.5-fold improvement in specific activity at 30 °C compared to wild-type UDH.


In this study, we successfully obtained a triple mutant (A39P/H99Y/H234K) with simultaneously enhanced activity and thermostability, which provides a novel alternative for the industrial production of glucaric acid from glucuronic acid.






在目前的工作中,从不同的根癌农杆菌菌株中获得了三个UDH 。这三个UDH的分子量约为32 kDa,均包含通常保守的UDH基序。这三种UDH均在pH值为6.0-8.5且温度为30°C的条件下均表现出最佳活性,但是根癌农杆菌(At)LBA4404的UDH具有比其他两种UDH更好的催化效率(800 vs 600和530) s -1 mM -1)。为了进一步提高AtLBA4404对UDH的催化性能,进行了基于半合理设计的定点诱变。一个A39P / H99Y / H234K三重突变体在59°C时的半衰期提高了400倍,\({\ text {T}} _ {5 0} ^ {1 0} \)则提高了5°C 与野生型UDH相比,其在30°C下的比值和比活度提高了2.5倍。


在这项研究中,我们成功地获得了同时具有增强的活性和热稳定性的三重突变体(A39P / H99Y / H234K),这为从葡萄糖醛酸工业生产葡糖二酸提供了新的选择。