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Investigating menu kilojoule labelling policy adoption from a political science perspective
Food Policy ( IF 6.5 ) Pub Date : 2019-12-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.foodpol.2019.101784
Brydie Clarke , Boyd Swinburn , Gary Sacks

Abstract Implementation of internationally recommended policy options for obesity prevention has generally been slow and inadequate globally, and, as such, it is important to understand barriers and enablers to policy action in the area. This study aimed to apply political science theories to understand influences on the adoption of Menu Kilojoule Labelling Legislation in Victoria, Australia over the period 2009–2017. Data collection included 13 in-depth semi-structured interviews with participants of the policy development and decision-making processes, analysis of 68 policy documents, and field note observations. Data were analysed using established political science theories: the Advocacy Coalition Framework (ACF) and the Multiple Streams Theory (MST). There were numerous and interrelating factors that influenced the Menu Kilojoule Labelling Legislative policy processes. Barriers to policy reform included electoral turnover, a dominance of neoliberal ideology, and policy maker concerns regarding potential food industry backlash. Key enablers to eventual policy change included the accumulation of evidence on policy effectiveness and feasibility of implementation, increased recognition of the importance of tackling the issue, as well as reductions in political risks achieved, in part, through relatively long consultation and negotiation processes. Findings highlight several tactics that can be used to secure similar policy change in future, including generation, dissemination and translation of implementation evidence, effective mobilisation of supporters, and negotiation and consultation processes that can reduce the degree of opposition to proposed policies.



摘要 国际推荐的肥胖预防政策选项在全球范围内的实施通常缓慢且不充分,因此,了解该领域政策行动的障碍和推动因素非常重要。本研究旨在应用政治科学理论来了解 2009 年至 2017 年期间澳大利亚维多利亚州采用 Menu Kilojoule 标签立法的影响。数据收集包括对政策制定和决策过程参与者的 13 次深度半结构化访谈、68 份政策文件的分析以及实地记录观察。使用既定的政治科学理论分析数据:倡导联盟框架 (ACF) 和多流理论 (MST)。有许多相互关联的因素影响了 Menu Kilojoule 标签立法政策过程。政策改革的障碍包括选举更替、新自由主义意识形态的主导地位以及政策制定者对潜在食品行业反弹的担忧。最终政策变化的关键推动因素包括积累关于政策有效性和实施可行性的证据,进一步认识到解决问题的重要性,以及通过相对较长的协商和谈判过程实现的政治风险降低。调查结果强调了几种可用于确保未来类似政策变化的策略,包括生成、传播和翻译实施证据,有效动员支持者,