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WHO global progress report on tuberculosis elimination.
The Lancet Respiratory Medicine ( IF 76.2 ) Pub Date : 2019-11-06 , DOI: 10.1016/s2213-2600(19)30418-7
Emilia Harding

In the first update on tuberculosis since the UN General Assembly High Level meeting on Sep 26, 2018, in which All UN Member States committed to end the global tuberculosis epidemic by 2030, WHO published the on Oct 17, 2019. The report details data from 202 countries and territories that account for more than 99% of the world's population and estimated the number of tuberculosis cases. Ahead of the first 2020 milestone, tuberculosis still accounts for the highest mortality from any infectious diseases worldwide, even surpassing HIV/AIDs, causing 1·5 million deaths in 2018. According to WHO's report, the current pace of change is not enough: the global cumulative rate of reduction for tuberculosis incidence was only 6·3% between 2015 and 2018, which is much less than that of the 2020 milestone of 20%.



自2018年9月26日联合国大会高级别会议以来,世卫组织于2019年10月17日发布了关于结核病的第一份最新动态,其中所有联合国会员国均承诺在2030年之前结束全球结核病流行。占世界人口99%以上的202个国家和地区,并估计了结核病病例数。在2020年的第一个里程碑之前,结核病仍然是全世界任何传染病的最高死亡率,甚至超过了HIV / AID,在2018年造成了1·500万人的死亡。根据世界卫生组织的报告,目前的变化速度还不够:在2015年至2018年期间,全球结核病发病率的累计下降率仅为6·3%,远低于2020年这一里程碑式的20%。