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Four years of sustainability impact assessments accompanying the implementation of improved cooking stoves in Tanzania
Environmental Impact Assessment Review ( IF 6.122 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.eiar.2019.106307
Johannes Michael Hafner , Elena Magenau , Götz Uckert , Stefan Sieber , Frieder Graef , Hannes Jochen König

Abstract Development projects and innovations are often implemented based on scientific recommendations and do not incorporate local knowledge and demand for interventions. In this paper, we demonstrate the successful engagement of local stakeholders in the implementation and evaluation process of improved cooking stoves; a technology that improves food security in two climatically contrasting regions in Tanzania. The Framework for Participatory Impact Assessment tool was used to conduct impact assessments on firewood-based improved cooking stoves to evaluate their contribution to food security at local stakeholder level. Between 2014 and 2017, four annual impact assessments were conducted with local stakeholders in four villages in the semi-arid Dodoma and the sub-humid Morogoro regions to assess the impact of improved cooking stoves on locally defined nine food security criteria. The Framework for Participatory Impact Assessment was used to (i) ex-ante identify the expected impact, and (ii) to ex-post assess the experienced impact of improved cooking stoves on the nine food security criteria. The impact assessments showed that the perceived contribution of improved cooking stoves towards the food security criteria was positive throughout all assessments. In particular, improved cooking stoves addressed relevant food security criteria such as social relations, food availability, and market participation. The Framework for Participatory Impact Assessment tool supported continuous knowledge exchange between scientists and local stakeholders, thus improving communication and co-learning; while identifying merits and demerits of the improved cooking stoves that could be addressed during the project lifetime.



摘要 发展项目和创新通常是根据科学建议实施的,并不包含当地知识和干预需求。在本文中,我们展示了当地利益相关者在改进灶具的实施和评估过程中的成功参与;一项改善坦桑尼亚两个气候截然不同地区的粮食安全的技术。参与式影响评估框架工具用于对基于木柴的改良炉灶进行影响评估,以评估其对当地利益相关者层面粮食安全的贡献。2014 年至 2017 年间,在半干旱多多马和半湿润莫罗戈罗地区的四个村庄与当地利益相关者进行了四次年度影响评估,以评估改进的炉灶对当地定义的九项粮食安全标准的影响。参与式影响评估框架用于 (i) 事前确定预期影响,以及 (ii) 事后评估改进的炉灶对九项粮食安全标准的影响。影响评估表明,在所有评估中,改进后的炉灶对粮食安全标准的贡献都是积极的。特别是,改进的炉灶解决了相关的粮食安全标准,如社会关系、粮食供应和市场参与。参与式影响评估框架工具支持科学家和当地利益相关者之间的持续知识交流,从而改善沟通和共同学习;同时确定可以在项目生命周期内解决的改进后的炉灶的优缺点。