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Understanding decisions to use e‐cigarettes or behavioural support to quit tobacco: a qualitative study of current and ex‐smokers and stop smoking service staff
Addiction ( IF 6 ) Pub Date : 2019-12-11 , DOI: 10.1111/add.14844
Greg Hartwell 1 , Matt Egan 1 , Mark Petticrew 1

AIM To examine factors influencing current and ex-smokers' decisions to use e-cigarettes or behavioural support, including potential impacts of any differences in perspectives between smokers and their local stop smoking services (SSSs). DESIGN Semi-structured qualitative interviews followed by framework analysis, with the 'capability', 'opportunity', 'motivation' and 'behaviour' (COM-B) model of behaviour change used to frame findings. SETTING SSSs and surrounding local areas in England. Participants Interviewees (n=46) were current or recent smokers (n=29) and SSS staff or stakeholders (n=17). Measurements Interview topic guides explored influences on smokers' choice of quit method and characteristics of support offered by local SSSs. FINDINGS Current and ex-smokers showed a range of views on potential risks from long-term vaping, which appeared to be particularly relevant for the capability dimension of COM-B. These different attitudes to vaping appeared to be linked to variations in people's perceived capability to assess evidence around e-cigarettes' safety. Motivations for using or avoiding e-cigarettes and SSSs often appeared to overlap: attitudes to both e-cigarettes and nicotine replacement therapy from SSSs often reflected personal experiences and views on whether switching from smoking to these alternatives represented successful quitting or simply ongoing nicotine addiction. For smokers, opportunities to use e-cigarettes or SSSs appeared to be largely determined by perceived time requirements. Interviews with SSS professionals furthermore suggested that opportunities to access SSSs, for ex-smokers who were now regular vapers, may be being influenced by different e-cigarette policies adopted in individual areas. CONCLUSIONS In England, smokers' decisions to use e-cigarettes and local stop smoking services (SSSs) appear to be determined by varied influences across the 'capability', 'opportunity', 'motivation' and 'behaviour' (COM-B) framework. Both smokers and SSS professionals display diverse views about potential risks from e-cigarettes, which has relevance for the provision of behavioural support as well as the uptake of vaping.



目的 研究影响当前和前吸烟者使用电子烟或行为支持决定的因素,包括吸烟者与其当地戒烟服务 (SSS) 之间的任何观点差异的潜在影响。设计 半结构化定性访谈,然后是框架分析,使用“能力”、“机会”、“动机”和“行为”(COM-B) 行为变化模型来构建调查结果。在英格兰设置 SSS 和周边地区。参与者 受访者 (n=46) 是当前或近期吸烟者 (n=29) 和 SSS 员工或利益相关者 (n=17)。测量 访谈主题指南探讨了对吸烟者选择戒烟方法的影响以及当地 SSS 提供的支持特征。调查结果 当前和前吸烟者对长期吸电子烟的潜在风险表现出一系列观点,这似乎与 COM-B 的能力维度特别相关。这些对电子烟的不同态度似乎与人们评估电子烟安全性证据的感知能力的差异有关。使用或避免电子烟和 SSS 的动机似乎经常重叠:SSS 对电子烟和尼古丁替代疗法的态度通常反映了个人经验和观点,即从吸烟转向这些替代品是否代表成功戒烟或只是持续的尼古丁成瘾。对于吸烟者来说,使用电子烟或 SSS 的机会似乎在很大程度上取决于感知的时间要求。对 SSS 专业人士的采访进一步表明,对于现在经常使用电子烟的前吸烟者来说,获得 SSS 的机会可能会受到个别地区采用的不同电子烟政策的影响。结论 在英格兰,吸烟者使用电子烟和当地戒烟服务 (SSS) 的决定似乎取决于“能力”、“机会”、“动机”和“行为”(COM-B) 框架的不同影响. 吸烟者和 SSS 专业人士都对电子烟的潜在风险表达了不同的看法,这与提供行为支持以及吸电子烟有关。结论 在英格兰,吸烟者使用电子烟和当地戒烟服务 (SSS) 的决定似乎取决于“能力”、“机会”、“动机”和“行为”(COM-B) 框架的不同影响. 吸烟者和 SSS 专业人士都对电子烟的潜在风险表达了不同的看法,这与提供行为支持以及吸电子烟有关。结论 在英格兰,吸烟者使用电子烟和当地戒烟服务 (SSS) 的决定似乎取决于“能力”、“机会”、“动机”和“行为”(COM-B) 框架的不同影响. 吸烟者和 SSS 专业人士都对电子烟的潜在风险表达了不同的看法,这与提供行为支持以及吸电子烟有关。