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Frugivory and seed dispersal by chelonians: a review and synthesis
Biological Reviews ( IF 10.0 ) Pub Date : 2019-10-13 , DOI: 10.1111/brv.12558
Wilfredo Falcón 1 , Don Moll 2 , Dennis M Hansen 1, 3

In recent years, it has become clear that frugivory and seed dispersal (FSD) by turtles and tortoises is much more common than previously thought. We here review published and unpublished records of chelonian FSD, and assess the role of chelonians as seed dispersers, from individual species to the community level. We first discuss the distribution of chelonian FSD and the characteristics of the fruit and/or seed species eaten and dispersed by chelonians. We then use the seed dispersal efficiency framework to explore the quantitative and qualitative components of seed dispersal by tortoises and turtles, embarking on a journey from when the fruits and/or seeds are consumed, to when and where they are deposited, and assess how efficient chelonians are as seed dispersers. We finally discuss chelonian FSD in the context of communities and of chelonians as megafauna. A substantial proportion of the world's aquatic and terrestrial turtles and a major part of testudinid tortoises (71 species in 12 families) include fruits and/or seeds in their diet; fruits of at least 588 plant species in 121 families are ingested and/or dispersed by chelonians. For some chelonians, overall or in certain seasons, fruit may even form the largest part of their diet. Contrary to seed dispersal by lizards, the other major reptilian frugivores, chelonian FSD is not an island phenomenon in terms of geographic distribution. Nevertheless, on islands tortoises are often among the largest native terrestrial vertebrates – or were until humans arrived. We synthesise our knowledge of chelonian FSD, and discuss the relevance of our findings for conservation and restoration, especially in relation to rewilding with large and giant tortoises.



近年来,很明显,海龟和陆龟的食果和种子传播 (FSD) 比以前想象的要普遍得多。我们在这里回顾已发表和未发表的龟类 FSD 记录,并评估龟类作为种子传播者的作用,从单个物种到群落水平。我们首先讨论龟类 FSD 的分布以及龟类食用和传播的果实和/或种子种类的特征。然后,我们使用种子传播效率框架来探索陆龟和海龟传播种子的定量和定性组成部分,开始从水果和/或种子被消耗的时间到它们存放的时间和地点的旅程,并评估效率龟类是种子传播者。我们最终在社区和作为巨型动物的龟类的背景下讨论了龟类 FSD。世界上很大一部分水龟和陆龟以及大部分陆龟(12 科 71 种)的饮食中包括水果和/或种子;121 科至少 588 种植物的果实被龟类摄取和/或传播。对于一些龟类动物来说,总体上或在某些季节,水果甚至可能构成它们饮食的最大部分。与蜥蜴的种子传播相反,其他主要的爬行动物食肉动物,龟类 FSD 在地理分布方面并不是一个岛屿现象。尽管如此,在岛上,陆龟通常是最大的本土陆生脊椎动物之一——或者在人类到来之前一直如此。我们综合了我们对龟 FSD 的知识,