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Regularity detection and explanation-based learning jointly support learning about physical events in early infancy
Cognitive Psychology ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2019-09-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.cogpsych.2019.05.001
Su-Hua Wang 1

The present research considers statistical learning (SL) and explanation-based learning (EBL) as joint mechanisms to support the development of physical knowledge. Infants watched teaching events in which a cover was lowered over an object and released, with outcomes that violated object principles. The object became fully hidden under a cover that was much shorter, and it remained partly visible under a cover that was much taller. Next, infants watched two test events identical to the teaching events except that one of the events was modified to present a plausible outcome and thus deviated from teaching. Infants at 3.5 months readily detected the regularity in the teaching events and noticed the change in the modified test event, whereas 6.5-month-olds did not. The pattern of response was reversed (1) when 3.5-month-olds were primed to notice the violation of object principles in the teaching events, which interfered with EBL and led infants to miss the change in the modified test event; and (2) when 6.5-month-olds were provided ways to remove the violation from the teaching events, which enabled EBL and led infants to notice the change in the modified test event. Together, the results shed light on young infants' approach to learning about physical events-one that integrates SL for pattern detection and EBL for causal coherence of the rule being learned.



本研究将统计学习(SL)和基于解释的学习(EBL)视为支持物理知识发展的联合机制。婴儿观看教学活动,在这些活动中,盖被降到物体上并被释放,结果违反了物体原则。该物体完全隐藏在一个更短的盖子下,并且在一个更高的盖子下仍然部分可见。接下来,婴儿观看了与教学事件相同的两个测试事件,只是其中一个事件被修改为呈现合理的结果,从而偏离了教学。3.5 个月大的婴儿很容易发现教学事件的规律性,并注意到修改后的测试事件的变化,而 6.5 个月大的婴儿则没有。响应模式在 3 时反转 (1)。5个月大的婴儿在教学事件中会注意到违反对象原则,这会干扰EBL并导致婴儿错过修改后的测试事件的变化;(2)当6.5个月大的孩子被提供了从教学事件中消除违规的方法,这使得EBL和引导婴儿注意到修改后的测试事件的变化。总之,这些结果阐明了幼儿学习物理事件的方法——一种将用于模式检测的 SL 和用于所学习规则的因果连贯性的 EBL 相结合的方法。这启用了 EBL 并让婴儿注意到修改后的测试事件的变化。总之,这些结果阐明了幼儿学习物理事件的方法——一种将用于模式检测的 SL 和用于所学习规则的因果连贯性的 EBL 相结合的方法。这启用了 EBL 并让婴儿注意到修改后的测试事件的变化。总之,这些结果阐明了幼儿学习物理事件的方法——一种将用于模式检测的 SL 和用于所学习规则的因果连贯性的 EBL 相结合的方法。