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Revising Working Models Across Time: Relationship Situations That Enhance Attachment Security
Personality and Social Psychology Review ( IF 10.8 ) Pub Date : 2017-06-02 , DOI: 10.1177/1088868317705257
Ximena B. Arriaga 1 , Madoka Kumashiro 2 , Jeffry A. Simpson 3 , Nickola C. Overall 4

Attachment security in adulthood has been linked to many benefits, including the ability to develop healthy relationships, increase confidence and efforts to strive toward personal goals, and manage adversity effectively (e.g., Li & Chan, 2012; Mikulincer & Shaver, 2016; Pietromonaco, Uchino, & Dunkel-Shetter, 2013). A sense of being securely attached to others, however, is not always attainable. Sooner or later, everyone experiences moments of interpersonal insecurity. Repeated or prolonged exposure to such moments can generate chronic feelings of insecurity and lead to insecure attachment orientations. Attachment insecurity in adulthood manifests as the tendency to fear being abandoned or rejected by others (attachment anxiety) and/or the tendency to feel discomfort with dependence and closeness (attachment avoidance). Although these adult attachment orientations often are studied and described as reflecting stable individual characteristics, these tendencies are not theorized to be immutable (Bowlby, 1973, 1969/1982, 1988). In fact, attachment orientations can and do change through naturally occurring processes (e.g., Arriaga, Kumashiro, Finkel, VanderDrift, & Luchies, 2014; Davila & Cobb, 2003; Fraley, Roisman, Booth-LaForce, Owen, & Holland, 2013; Kirkpatrick & Davis, 1994; Simpson, Rholes, Campbell, & Wilson, 2003).



成年的依恋安全与许多好处有关,包括建立健康关系,增强自信和努力实现个人目标以及有效管理逆境的能力(例如,Li&Chan,2012; Mikulincer&Shaver,2016; Pietromonaco, Uchino和Dunkel-Shetter,2013年)。但是,并非总是能获得与他人牢固联系的感觉。迟早,每个人都会遇到人际关系不安全的时刻。反复或长时间暴露于此类瞬间可能会产生长期的不安全感,并导致不安全的依恋取向。成年时期的依恋不安全感表现为害怕被他人抛弃或拒绝的趋势(依恋焦虑)和/或因依赖和亲密感而感到不适的趋势(避免依恋)。尽管经常研究和描述这些成年人的依恋取向,以反映稳定的个人特征,但这些趋势并没有被理论化为一成不变的(Bowlby,1973,1969/1982,1988)。实际上,依恋的取向可以而且确实会通过自然发生的过程而发生变化(例如,Arriaga,Kumashiro,Finkel,VanderDrift和Luchies,2014; Davila和Cobb,2003; Fraley,Roisman,Booth-LaForce,Owen和&Holland,2013; Fairley,Roisman,Booth-LaForce,Owen,&Holland)。柯克帕特里克和戴维斯(1994);辛普森(Simpson),罗尔斯(Rholes),坎贝尔(Campbell)和威尔逊(2003)。VanderDrift和Luchies,2014年;Davila&Cobb,2003;Fraley,Roisman,Booth-LaForce,Owen和Holland,2013年;柯克帕特里克和戴维斯(Kirkpatrick&Davis),1994年;辛普森(Simpson),罗尔斯(Rholes),坎贝尔(Campbell)和威尔逊(Wilson),2003年。VanderDrift和Luchies,2014年;Davila&Cobb,2003;Fraley,Roisman,Booth-LaForce,Owen和Holland,2013年;柯克帕特里克和戴维斯(1994);辛普森(Simpson),罗尔斯(Rholes),坎贝尔(Campbell)和威尔逊(Wilson),2003年。