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Police diversity and crime clearance for Black and Hispanic victims
Criminology & Public Policy ( IF 5.085 ) Pub Date : 2023-04-04 , DOI: 10.1111/1745-9133.12622
Aki Roberts 1 , Hannah R. Smith 1

As a policy response to historically strained police–minority community relations, police diversification is hoped to improve policing outcomes in minority communities. An improved police–community relationship may be expected to lead to increased citizen cooperation in crime investigations and therefore be beneficial for crime clearance, but there are different perspectives on the nature of this link. We examined several measures of Black police representation (Black officer percentage, Black racial congruence between the police force and the jurisdiction's population, and presence of Black police chief or head) and their relationships with arrest clearance of National Incident-Based Reporting System aggravated assault incidents involving Black victims in 205 agencies. We also explored similar Hispanic police representation measures in a sample of aggravated assault incidents with Hispanic victims in 158 agencies. In multilevel survival analyses with agency/jurisdiction- and incident-level controls, none of the Black representation measures were significantly associated with clearance of Black victims’ incidents. We obtained similar results for the Hispanic representation measures and clearance of Hispanic victims’ incidents.



作为对历史上紧张的警察与少数民族社区关系的政策回应,警察多元化有望改善少数民族社区的警务成果。改善警察与社区的关系可能会导致公民在犯罪调查中加强合作,因此有利于清除犯罪,但对于这种联系的性质存在不同的看法。我们检查了黑人警察代表的几种衡量标准(黑人军官百分比、警察部队与辖区人口之间的黑人种族一致性以及黑人警察局长或负责人的存在)及其与国家基于事件报告系统严重袭击事件的逮捕许可的关系涉及 205 个机构的黑人受害者。我们还在 158 个机构中针对西班牙裔受害者的严重攻击事件样本中探索了类似的西班牙裔警察代表措施。在具有机构/司法管辖区和事件级别控制的多层次生存分析中,没有一项黑人代表措施与清除黑人受害者事件显着相关。对于西班牙裔代表措施和西班牙裔受害者事件的清除,我们获得了类似的结果。