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The Politics and Aesthetic Choices of Feminist Art Criticism
Arts Pub Date : 2023-03-23 , DOI: 10.3390/arts12020063
Katy Deepwell 1

This article explores feminist art criticism from the point of view of aesthetics/politics in global contemporary art. It is based on the author’s experience as an art critic and founding editor of n.paradoxa: international feminist art journal (1998–2017). Reading articles published in the previous two decades both for the journal and outside it, it became possible to identify how subjects produce specific objects in art criticism that demonstrate different locations and standpoints in thought and how these align with criticism from broader feminist political theories. This is an exploration of the aesthetics/politics both in, about and beyond feminist art criticism. The methodology presented analyses feminist art criticism using a model of clusters of concepts that draws on Anne Ring Petersen’s examination of identity politics, race and multiculturalism from 2012. Feminist analyses in which this approach has been attempted are discussed: Sue Rosser’s 2005 analysis of cyberfeminism and Tuzyline Jita Allan’s 1995 discussion of black/womanist/African feminisms. The article identifies four types of feminist art criticism: liberal feminism, materialist feminism, feminist cosmopolitan multi-culturalism, and queer post-colonial feminism. The aims, methods and approaches of these tendencies are outlined to demonstrate the differences between them. The article concludes with a discussion about the futures of feminist art criticism.



本文从全球当代艺术的美学/政治角度探讨女性主义艺术批评。它基于作者作为艺术评论家和 n.paradoxa:国际女权主义艺术杂志(1998-2017)创始编辑的经历。阅读过去 20 年在期刊内外发表的文章,可以确定主题如何在艺术批评中产生特定的对象,这些对象展示了不同的思想位置和立场,以及这些对象如何与更广泛的女权主义政治理论的批评保持一致。这是对女性主义艺术批评中、关于和超越女性主义艺术批评的美学/政治的探索。所提出的方法论使用概念集群模型分析了女权主义艺术批评,该模型借鉴了安妮·林·彼得森对身份政治的考察,种族和多元文化主义从 2012 年开始。讨论了尝试这种方法的女权主义分析:Sue Rosser 2005 年对网络女权主义的分析和 Tuzyline Jita Allan 1995 年对黑人/女性主义者/非洲女权主义的讨论。文章确定了四种类型的女权主义艺术批评:自由女权主义、唯物主义女权主义、女权主义世界主义多元文化主义和酷儿后殖民女权主义。概述了这些趋势的目的、方法和方法,以说明它们之间的差异。文章最后讨论了女性主义艺术批评的未来。文章确定了四种类型的女权主义艺术批评:自由女权主义、唯物主义女权主义、女权主义世界主义多元文化主义和酷儿后殖民女权主义。概述了这些趋势的目的、方法和方法,以说明它们之间的差异。文章最后讨论了女性主义艺术批评的未来。文章确定了四种类型的女权主义艺术批评:自由女权主义、唯物主义女权主义、女权主义世界主义多元文化主义和酷儿后殖民女权主义。概述了这些趋势的目的、方法和方法,以说明它们之间的差异。文章最后讨论了女性主义艺术批评的未来。