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Cloud Computing Value Chains: Research from the Operations Management Perspective
Manufacturing & Service Operations Management ( IF 6.3 ) Pub Date : 2023-03-17 , DOI: 10.1287/msom.2022.1178
Shi Chen 1 , Kamran Moinzadeh 1 , Jing-Sheng Song 2 , Yuan Zhong 3

Problem definition: Cloud computing is recognized as a critical driver of information technology–enabled innovations. The operations management (OM) community, however, has not been exposed enough to the essential operations problems that arise from the management of cloud value chains. Academic/practical relevance: In this paper, we examine recent research on cloud value chains and explore future research opportunities from an OM perspective. In particular, we focus on major operations management challenges facing a cloud provider in three problem domains: (1) cloud computing resource management, (2) pricing in the cloud computing marketplaces, and (3) capacity planning and management of cloud supply chains. Methodology: We describe prevalent business models and management practices in the cloud value chains, discuss recent research from OM that falls into each of the three problem domains mentioned, and point out opportunities for future research. Results: We note that cloud computing operations are driven by demand that exhibits distinct characteristics, including complex workflow, demand redundancy, multifeatured characteristics, multidimensional resource requirement, and nonstationarity. On the supply side, cloud computing operations also exhibit distinct characteristics, including heterogeneous resources, packing constraints, preconfigured (“bundled”) supply, technology risks, and cost uncertainty. These characteristics of demand and supply are not all prevalent in other operations. Managerial implications: Cloud computing operations not only share many features with classic OM problems, but also bring new challenges and innovative business models. Thus, OM tools and research have the potential to provide vital insights into cloud computing operations and impact management practices in the cloud industry, which, in turn, can stimulate much innovative research from the OM perspective.Supplemental Material: The online appendix is available at https://doi.org/10.1287/msom.2022.1178 .



问题定义:云计算被认为是信息技术支持创新的关键驱动力。然而,运营管理 (OM) 社区对云价值链管理产生的基本运营问题的了解还不够多。学术/实践相关性:在本文中,我们研究了最近关于云价值链的研究,并从 OM 的角度探索了未来的研究机会。我们特别关注云提供商在三个问题领域面临的主要运营管理挑战:(1) 云计算资源管理,(2) 云计算市场定价,以及 (3) 云供应链的容量规划和管理。方法论:我们描述了云价值链中普遍的商业模式和管理实践,讨论来自 OM 的最新研究,这些研究属于所提到的三个问题领域中的每一个领域,并指出未来研究的机会。结果:我们注意到云计算操作是由表现出不同特征的需求驱动的,包括复杂的工作流、需求冗余、多特征、多维资源需求和非平稳性。在供给侧,云计算运营也呈现出鲜明的特征,包括异构资源、打包约束、预配置(“捆绑”)供给、技术风险和成本不确定性。需求和供应的这些特征在其他操作中并不普遍。管理启示:云计算操作不仅与经典 OM 问题具有许多共同特征,同时也带来了新的挑战和创新的商业模式。因此,OM 工具和研究有可能为云计算行业的云计算运营和影响管理实践提供重要的见解,这反过来又可以从 OM 的角度激发许多创新研究。补充材料:在线附录可在https://doi.org/10.1287/msom.2022.1178。