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Prevalence, Timing, and Network Localization of Emergent Visual Creativity in Frontotemporal Dementia.
JAMA Neurology ( IF 29.0 ) Pub Date : 2023-02-27 , DOI: 10.1001/jamaneurol.2023.0001
Adit Friedberg 1, 2 , Lorenzo Pasquini 1, 3 , Ryan Diggs 1 , Erika A. Glaubitz 1 , Lucia Lopez 1 , Ignacio Illán-Gala 2, 4, 5 , Leonardo Iaccarino 1, 6 , Renaud La Joie 1 , Nidhi Mundada 1 , Marguerite Knudtson 1 , Kyra Neylan 1 , Jesse Brown 1 , Isabel Elaine Allen 1, 2 , Katherine P. Rankin 1, 2 , Luke W. Bonham 1, 7 , Jennifer S. Yokoyama 1, 7 , Eliana M. Ramos 8 , Daniel H. Geschwind 9, 10, 11 , Salvatore Spina 1 , Lea T. Grinberg 1, 12 , Zachary A. Miller 1 , Joel H. Kramer 1 , Howard Rosen 1 , Maria Luisa Gorno-Tempini 1 , Gil Rabinovici 1, 13 , William W. Seeley 1, 12 , Bruce L. Miller 1, 2

The neurological substrates of visual artistic creativity (VAC) are unknown. VAC is demonstrated here to occur early in frontotemporal dementia (FTD), and multimodal neuroimaging is used to generate a novel mechanistic hypothesis involving dorsomedial occipital cortex enhancement. These findings may illuminate a novel mechanism underlying human visual creativity.



视觉艺术创造力 (VAC) 的神经学基础尚不清楚。此处证明 VAC 发生在额颞叶痴呆 (FTD) 的早期,并且使用多模态神经影像学生成涉及背内侧枕叶皮质增强的新机制假设。这些发现可能阐明了人类视觉创造力背后的一种新机制。