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Thoughts on Neolithic fishing-based economies in coastal Eastern Arabia
Journal of Anthropological Archaeology ( IF 2.312 ) Pub Date : 2023-02-13 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jaa.2023.101489
Kevin Lidour

In Eastern Arabia, the Neolithic period (c. 6500–3300 BCE) corresponds to a cultural phase principally characterized by the development of mixed economies based on fishing, pastoralism, and hunting. Since the 1970s, a great number of Neolithic sites have been discovered and excavated along the coastline and on the coastal islands of both the Arabian Gulf and the Sultanate of Oman while only a few examples of inland sites are known to date. It evidences an original case of 'coastal adaptation' of the human populations of the Saharo-Arabian arid belt during the Holocene. In fact, Neolithic sites are mostly concentrated close to high biodiversity and biomass 'hot spots' such as estuaries, mangroves, seagrass meadows, and coral reefs where marine life abounds in the form of shellfish, crustaceans, marine mammals, and fish.

The scope of the present paper is to gather the data and discuss the results of the zooarchaeological studies conducted since the late 1980s on marine fish remains retrieved from Neolithic sites of Eastern Arabia (from Kuwait to the Sultanate of Oman) in terms of main catches, fishing grounds, techniques, and equipment as well as seasonality and consumption modes. Furthermore, subsistence strategies and mobility patterns during the Neolithic are discussed taking into account data from palaeo-climatic studies.



在阿拉伯东部,新石器时代(c. 公元前 6500-3300 年)对应的文化阶段主要以基于渔业、畜牧业和狩猎的混合经济的发展为特征。自 20 世纪 70 年代以来,在阿拉伯湾和阿曼苏丹国的海岸线和沿海岛屿上发现和发掘了大量新石器时代遗址,而迄今为止已知的内陆遗址只有少数。它证明了全新世期间撒哈拉-阿拉伯干旱带人口“沿海适​​应”的原始案例。事实上,新石器时代的遗址大多集中在生物多样性和生物量高的“热点”附近,例如河口、红树林、海草草甸和珊瑚礁,那里有丰富的贝类、甲壳类动物、海洋哺乳动物和鱼类等海洋生物。

本文件的范围是收集数据并讨论自 1980 年代后期以来对从阿拉伯东部(从科威特到阿曼苏丹国)的新石器时代遗址回收的海洋鱼类遗骸进行的动物考古研究的结果,主要渔获量,渔场、技术和设备以及季节性和消费模式。此外,考虑到古气候研究的数据,讨论了新石器时代的生存策略和流动模式。
