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MoPeD meets MITO: a hybrid modeling framework for pedestrian travel demand
Transportation ( IF 4.3 ) Pub Date : 2023-02-01 , DOI: 10.1007/s11116-022-10365-x
Qin Zhang , Rolf Moeckel , Kelly J. Clifton

Transport demand models were initially designed for simulating car trips. Nowadays researchers and planners are considering pedestrian travel and its health and safety impacts in the regional transport models. However, the existing transport models lack the knowledge and experience in pedestrian modeling for health assessment. This paper contributes to the modeling practice by developing an integrated model called the MITO/MoPeD. The model builds upon previous model development and integrates the fine-grained pedestrian modeling tool into the agent-based transport model. The MITO/MoPeD model is applied to the Munich metropolitan area. Model performances are analyzed based on travel measures (e.g., walk share, trip length distribution, and pedestrian flow) and physical activity volumes. Results show that the MITO/MoPeD model can better represent pedestrian travel behavior than the existing Munich Model. It performed better in simulating the spatial distribution of walk shares and the distribution of walk trip lengths. Moreover, it overcomes the issue of overestimating physical activity volumes. These findings suggest that the MITO/MoPeD model can deliver more precise travel outcomes. More importantly, it is valuable for addressing pedestrian planning issues such as transportation infrastructure investments, land use planning, assessment of safety and health outcomes, and evaluation of environmental impacts.


MoPeD 遇见 MITO:行人出行需求的混合建模框架

交通需求模型最初是为模拟汽车出行而设计的。如今,研究人员和规划人员正在考虑行人出行及其在区域交通模型中对健康和安全的影响。然而,现有的交通模型缺乏行人健康评估建模方面的知识和经验。本文通过开发称为 MITO/MoPeD 的集成模型为建模实践做出贡献。该模型建立在之前的模型开发之上,并将细粒度的行人建模工具集成到基于代理的交通模型中。MITO/MoPeD 模型应用于慕尼黑大都市区。根据出行指标(例如,步行份额、行程长度分布和行人流量)和身体活动量来分析模型性能。结果表明,MITO/MoPeD 模型比现有的 Munich 模型更能代表行人出行行为。它在模拟步行份额的空间分布和步行行程长度的分布方面表现更好。此外,它还克服了高估体力活动量的问题。这些发现表明 MITO/MoPeD 模型可以提供更精确的旅行结果。更重要的是,它对于解决交通基础设施投资、土地使用规划、安全和健康结果评估以及环境影响评估等行人规划问题很有价值。它克服了高估体力活动量的问题。这些发现表明 MITO/MoPeD 模型可以提供更精确的旅行结果。更重要的是,它对于解决交通基础设施投资、土地使用规划、安全和健康结果评估以及环境影响评估等行人规划问题很有价值。它克服了高估体力活动量的问题。这些发现表明 MITO/MoPeD 模型可以提供更精确的旅行结果。更重要的是,它对于解决交通基础设施投资、土地使用规划、安全和健康结果评估以及环境影响评估等行人规划问题很有价值。
