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Crafting the voice of God: ceramic waylla kepa shell horn technology in the Andes
Journal of Anthropological Archaeology ( IF 2.312 ) Pub Date : 2023-01-24 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jaa.2022.101470
Alexander Herrera Wassilowsky , Isabelle C. Druc , Juan Camilo González Galvis

This paper addresses the enchainment of skills and interactions for the production of ceramic shell horns, and the meaning of these musical instruments whose sounds have shaped the ritual soundscapes of the central Andes since the boom in public architecture in the second millennium BC (early Formative Period c. 3800–3300 BP). Linguistic and ethnohistoric reviews shed light on performance practices and meanings at the time of conquest. Contextual analysis of thin sections of ceramic shell horns excavated in Keushu (Yungay, Ancash, Peru) and dated to the Early Intermediate Period and early Middle Horizon (c. 2200–1600 BP) suggests the agency of specialist itinerant potters. Crafting processes are reconstructed by bringing together material analysis (petrography, X-ray tomography, X-ray diffraction), bioarchaeology, studies of instrument organology, and ceramic ethnoarchaeology. Informed by experimental reconstruction distinct modeling techniques are distinguished and crossed with available provenience data to suggest three independently arising traditions or hotspots in northern Ecuador, on the central Andean coast, and in the highlands of northern Peru. The ritual sounds and soundscapes of the latter area are discussed. Like earlier conch horns, ceramic shell horns played a pivotal part in ritual performances that accompanied the development of irrigation-dependent agrarian and pastoral lifeways in the Andes. Enduring symbolic linkages between shell horn sounds, the sea and irrigation water may indeed represent a powerful embodiment of the voice of God.



本文探讨了生产陶瓷贝壳喇叭的技能和互动的联系,以及这些乐器的意义,这些乐器的声音自公元前第二个千年公共建筑繁荣以来塑造了安第斯山脉中部的仪式音景(早期形成期) c. 3800–3300 BP)。语言学和民族史学评论揭示了征服时期的表演实践和意义。对在 Keushu(Yungay,Ancash,秘鲁)出土并可追溯至中期早期和中期地平线早期(公元前 2200-1600 年)的陶瓷壳角薄片的背景分析表明,专业流动陶工的作用。通过汇集材料分析(岩相学、X 射线断层扫描、X 射线衍射)、生物考古学、仪器器官学研究,重建工艺过程,和陶瓷民族考古学。通过实验重建,区分不同的建模技术并将其与可用的出处数据交叉,以表明厄瓜多尔北部、安第斯山脉中部海岸和秘鲁北部高地的三个独立产生的传统或热点。讨论了后一地区的仪式声音和音景。与早期的海螺号角一样,陶瓷贝壳号角在仪式表演中发挥了关键作用,伴随着安第斯山脉依赖灌溉的农牧生活方式的发展。贝壳号角、大海和灌溉水之间持久的象征联系可能确实代表了上帝之声的有力体现。通过实验重建,区分不同的建模技术并将其与可用的出处数据交叉,以表明厄瓜多尔北部、安第斯山脉中部海岸和秘鲁北部高地的三个独立产生的传统或热点。讨论了后一地区的仪式声音和音景。与早期的海螺号角一样,陶瓷贝壳号角在仪式表演中发挥了关键作用,伴随着安第斯山脉依赖灌溉的农牧生活方式的发展。贝壳号角、大海和灌溉水之间持久的象征联系可能确实代表了上帝之声的有力体现。通过实验重建,区分不同的建模技术并将其与可用的出处数据交叉,以表明厄瓜多尔北部、安第斯山脉中部海岸和秘鲁北部高地的三个独立产生的传统或热点。讨论了后一地区的仪式声音和音景。与早期的海螺号角一样,陶瓷贝壳号角在仪式表演中发挥了关键作用,伴随着安第斯山脉依赖灌溉的农牧生活方式的发展。贝壳号角、大海和灌溉水之间持久的象征联系可能确实代表了上帝之声的有力体现。在秘鲁北部的高地。讨论了后一地区的仪式声音和音景。与早期的海螺号角一样,陶瓷贝壳号角在仪式表演中发挥了关键作用,伴随着安第斯山脉依赖灌溉的农牧生活方式的发展。贝壳号角、大海和灌溉水之间持久的象征联系可能确实代表了上帝之声的有力体现。在秘鲁北部的高地。讨论了后一地区的仪式声音和音景。与早期的海螺号角一样,陶瓷贝壳号角在仪式表演中发挥了关键作用,伴随着安第斯山脉依赖灌溉的农牧生活方式的发展。贝壳号角、大海和灌溉水之间持久的象征联系可能确实代表了上帝之声的有力体现。
