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Reactions of the public transport sector to the COVID-19 pandemic. Insights from Belgium
Travel Behaviour and Society ( IF 5.850 ) Pub Date : 2023-01-04 , DOI: 10.1016/j.tbs.2023.01.001
Sara Tori 1 , Alice de Séjournet 1 , Cathy Macharis 1

Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, public transport has been one of the hardest hit transport modes, losing ridership due to fear of contagion. This can partially be explained by the lack of preparedness in the sector to a pandemic scenario, as only few cities had epidemic contingency plans for the transport sector. To anticipate disruptions caused by future crises, we look at the preparedness and the response to COVID-19 by the public transport sector in Belgium. We interview all public transport operators in Belgium and analyze the interviews through the disaster management framework. We also aim to distill the lessons that can be learned from the pandemic to increase resilience in future public transport planning. We find that no operator in Belgium had contingency plans ready for a pandemic scenario, but that other plans were deployed to adapt their offer to COVID-19 conditions. Although all operators lost a significant part of ridership, their offer was maintained throughout the crisis, albeit at a decreased level for some operators. The availability of reliable and real-time data is identified as an important learning by the operators, as well as the ability to identify a core response team in case of a crisis. COVID-19 was seen by the operators as a learning platform to face future crises and highlighted the need to increase reactivity through better preparedness and data availability. We recommend the structural use of foresight methods through for example scenario planning to increase the preparedness of operators in the case of future disruptions.


公共交通部门对 COVID-19 大流行的反应。来自比利时的见解

在整个 COVID-19 大流行期间,公共交通一直是受灾最严重的交通方式之一,由于担心传染而失去乘客。这可以部分解释为该部门缺乏对大流行情况的准备,因为只有少数城市为交通部门制定了流行病应急计划。为了预测未来危机造成的破坏,我们研究了比利时公共交通部门对 COVID-19 的准备和响应。我们采访了比利时的所有公共交通运营商,并通过灾害管理框架对采访进行了分析。我们还旨在提炼可以从大流行中吸取的教训,以提高未来公共交通规划的弹性。我们发现比利时没有运营商为大流行情况准备好应急计划,但是部署了其他计划以使其报价适应 COVID-19 条件。尽管所有运营商都失去了很大一部分乘客,但他们的报价在整个危机期间都保持不变,尽管某些运营商的报价水平有所下降。可靠和实时数据的可用性被运营商确定为一项重要的学习,以及在发生危机时确定核心响应团队的能力。运营商将 COVID-19 视为应对未来危机的学习平台,并强调需要通过更好的准备和数据可用性来提高反应能力。我们建议通过例如情景规划来结构性地使用前瞻性方法,以提高运营商在未来中断情况下的准备。尽管所有运营商都失去了很大一部分乘客,但他们的报价在整个危机期间都保持不变,尽管某些运营商的报价水平有所下降。可靠和实时数据的可用性被运营商确定为一项重要的学习,以及在发生危机时确定核心响应团队的能力。运营商将 COVID-19 视为应对未来危机的学习平台,并强调需要通过更好的准备和数据可用性来提高反应能力。我们建议通过例如情景规划来结构性地使用前瞻性方法,以提高运营商在未来中断情况下的准备。尽管所有运营商都失去了很大一部分乘客,但他们的报价在整个危机期间都保持不变,尽管某些运营商的报价水平有所下降。可靠和实时数据的可用性被运营商确定为一项重要的学习,以及在发生危机时确定核心响应团队的能力。运营商将 COVID-19 视为应对未来危机的学习平台,并强调需要通过更好的准备和数据可用性来提高反应能力。我们建议通过例如情景规划来结构性地使用前瞻性方法,以提高运营商在未来中断情况下的准备。可靠和实时数据的可用性被运营商确定为一项重要的学习,以及在发生危机时确定核心响应团队的能力。运营商将 COVID-19 视为应对未来危机的学习平台,并强调需要通过更好的准备和数据可用性来提高反应能力。我们建议通过例如情景规划来结构性地使用前瞻性方法,以提高运营商在未来中断情况下的准备。可靠和实时数据的可用性被运营商确定为一项重要的学习,以及在发生危机时确定核心响应团队的能力。运营商将 COVID-19 视为应对未来危机的学习平台,并强调需要通过更好的准备和数据可用性来提高反应能力。我们建议通过例如情景规划来结构性地使用前瞻性方法,以提高运营商在未来中断情况下的准备。
