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A Green Fiscal Pact for the EU: increasing climate investments while consolidating budgets
Climate Policy ( IF 6.056 ) Pub Date : 2022-12-11 , DOI: 10.1080/14693062.2022.2147893
Zsolt Darvas 1, 2 , Guntram B. Wolff 3, 4


To ensure sufficiently rapid decarbonization to meet the Paris Agreement goals, investments in green infrastructure will have to increase by an estimated 2% of world GDP annually, according to the International Energy Agency. A significant part of that investment will need to be funded with public resources – raising major tensions between consolidation needs after the high deficits during the pandemic and the need to increase investments. We consider this trade-off in the European Union, which has set itself one of the most ambitious climate targets in the world. The additional public investment required to meet the European Union’s climate goals is around 0.6% of GDP annually during this decade, which might increase if the green transition is accelerated due to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Budget consolidation can be done at a moderate pace in line with EU fiscal rules if those rules are interpreted flexibly, but past consolidation episodes resulted in major public investment cuts. A ‘green golden rule’ –excluding net green investment from the fiscal indicators used to measure fiscal rule compliance– is proposed as the most promising option to address this tension and would provide a positive incentive to undertake such investments. However, the uncertain growth impact of green public spending and the risks to growth from climate change create difficult trade-offs in fiscally weaker countries. Better regulatory policy and a higher price on emissions should in parallel incentivise private green investment and reduce public costs. These ingredients should be combined to form a ‘Green Fiscal Pact’.

  • Key policy insights
  • Public investments tend to be cut in fiscal consolidation episodes by vote-maximising politicians and thus need to be treated differently in fiscal rules. Increasing green public investments will be difficult in the upcoming consolidation period.

  • A ‘green golden rule’ –excluding net green public investment from the fiscal rule indicators– is proposed as the best option to incentivise public climate investment.

  • Policymakers need to underpin such a rule by clearly defining what constitutes emission-reducing climate investments and monitoring compliance.

  • Fossil fuel subsidies should also be eliminated, and private climate investment should be incentivised through appropriate taxation and regulation.

  • Climate change may tighten budget constraints in countries with already high debt levels because of its negative growth effects, so these countries should delay the introduction of the green golden rule.




据国际能源署称,为确保足够快的脱碳以实现《巴黎协定》的目标,对绿色基础设施的投资每年必须增加约占世界 GDP 的 2%。该投资的很大一部分将需要由公共资源提供资金——这加剧了大流行期间高赤字后的整合需求与增加投资的需求之间的紧张关系。我们考虑了欧盟的这种权衡,它为自己设定了世界上最雄心勃勃的气候目标之一。在这十年中,实现欧盟气候目标所需的额外公共投资约为 GDP 的 0.6%,如果因俄罗斯入侵乌克兰而加速绿色转型,这一数字可能会增加。如果对这些规则进行灵活解释,则可以根据欧盟财政规则以适度的速度进行预算整合,但过去的整合事件导致公共投资大幅削减。“绿色黄金法则”——将净绿色投资从用于衡量财政规则遵守情况的财政指标中排除——被提议作为解决这种紧张局势的最有希望的选择,并将为进行此类投资提供积极的激励。然而,绿色公共支出对增长的不确定影响以及气候变化对增长的风险导致财政较弱的国家难以权衡取舍。更好的监管政策和更高的排放价格应同时激励私人绿色投资并降低公共成本。这些成分应该结合起来形成一个“绿色财政协定”。但过去的整合事件导致公共投资大幅削减。“绿色黄金法则”——将净绿色投资从用于衡量财政规则遵守情况的财政指标中排除——被提议作为解决这种紧张局势的最有希望的选择,并将为进行此类投资提供积极的激励。然而,绿色公共支出对增长的不确定影响以及气候变化对增长的风险导致财政较弱的国家难以权衡取舍。更好的监管政策和更高的排放价格应同时激励私人绿色投资并降低公共成本。这些成分应该结合起来形成一个“绿色财政协定”。但过去的合并事件导致公共投资大幅削减。“绿色黄金法则”——将净绿色投资从用于衡量财政规则遵守情况的财政指标中排除——被提议作为解决这种紧张局势的最有希望的选择,并将为进行此类投资提供积极的激励。然而,绿色公共支出对增长的不确定影响以及气候变化对增长的风险导致财政较弱的国家难以权衡取舍。更好的监管政策和更高的排放价格应同时激励私人绿色投资并降低公共成本。这些成分应该结合起来形成一个“绿色财政协定”。“绿色黄金法则”——将净绿色投资从用于衡量财政规则遵守情况的财政指标中排除——被提议作为解决这种紧张局势的最有希望的选择,并将为进行此类投资提供积极的激励。然而,绿色公共支出对增长的不确定影响以及气候变化对增长的风险导致财政较弱的国家难以权衡取舍。更好的监管政策和更高的排放价格应同时激励私人绿色投资并降低公共成本。这些成分应该结合起来形成一个“绿色财政协定”。“绿色黄金法则”——将净绿色投资从用于衡量财政规则遵守情况的财政指标中排除——被提议作为解决这种紧张局势的最有希望的选择,并将为进行此类投资提供积极的激励。然而,绿色公共支出对增长的不确定影响以及气候变化对增长的风险导致财政较弱的国家难以权衡取舍。更好的监管政策和更高的排放价格应同时激励私人绿色投资并降低公共成本。这些成分应该结合起来形成一个“绿色财政协定”。绿色公共支出对增长的不确定影响以及气候变化对增长的风险导致财政较弱的国家难以权衡取舍。更好的监管政策和更高的排放价格应同时激励私人绿色投资并降低公共成本。这些成分应该结合起来形成一个“绿色财政协定”。绿色公共支出对增长的不确定影响以及气候变化对增长的风险导致财政较弱的国家难以权衡取舍。更好的监管政策和更高的排放价格应同时激励私人绿色投资并降低公共成本。这些成分应该结合起来形成一个“绿色财政协定”。

  • 关键政策见解
  • 公共投资往往会在财政整顿事件中被最大化选票的政客削减,因此需要在财政规则中区别对待。在即将到来的整合期,增加绿色公共投资将很困难。

  • “绿色黄金法则”——将净绿色公共投资排除在财政规则指标之外——被提议作为激励公共气候投资的最佳选择。

  • 政策制定者需要通过明确定义什么是减排气候投资和监督合规性来支持这样的规则。

  • 还应取消化石燃料补贴,并应通过适当的税收和监管来激励私人气候投资。

  • 由于气候变化的负增长效应,气候变化可能会收紧债务水平已经很高的国家的预算约束,因此这些国家应该推迟引入绿色黄金法则。
