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Information and digital technology-assisted interventions to improve intercultural competence: A meta-analytical review
Computers & Education ( IF 12.0 ) Pub Date : 2022-12-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.compedu.2022.104697
Xiaotian Zhang , Mingming Zhou

This study synthesized 56 studies published during year 2000–2021 that measured the use of technology to develop students' intercultural competence (IC). Meta-analysis, a statistical process that combines the quantitative findings of multiple relevant studies, was used to analyze the effectiveness of the interventions to improve IC. The findings suggested that technology-based interventions generally produced a positive and intermediate effect (with an effect size of .35) on the students’ overall and subdimensions of IC. Subsequent publication bias analyses and sensitivity analyses revealed that our findings were not affected. Based on the high heterogeneity between the reviewed studies, the types of intervention and IC measurement tools were identified as moderating variables. Among the four intervention types, computer simulation had the largest effect size (0.40) and blended learning environment had the smallest effect size (0.22). The effect sizes of digital materials/tools and computer-mediated communication were 0.38 and 0.35, respectively. Compared to studies using self-developed scales (0.38) and previously validated scales (0.33), studies that employed self-developed tests to assess IC produced a larger effect size (0.66). The impact of the technology-based interventions at different levels of moderating variables was discussed. Implications of the findings were provided.



本研究综合了 2000 年至 2021 年间发表的 56 项研究,这些研究衡量了技术在培养学生跨文化能力 (IC) 方面的应用。Meta 分析是一种统计过程,结合了多项相关研究的定量结果,用于分析改善 IC 的干预措施的有效性。研究结果表明,基于技术的干预通常对学生的 IC 的整体和子维度产生积极和中间的影响(效果大小为 0.35)。随后的发表偏倚分析和敏感性分析表明我们的发现没有受到影响。基于审查研究之间的高度异质性,干预类型和 IC 测量工具被确定为调节变量。在四种干预类型中,计算机模拟的效果最大 (0.40),混合学习环境的效果最小 (0.22)。数字材料/工具和计算机介导的交流的效果大小分别为 0.38 和 0.35。与使用自行开发的量表 (0.38) 和先前验证的量表 (0.33) 的研究相比,使用自行开发的测试来评估 IC 的研究产生了更大的效应量 (0.66)。讨论了基于技术的干预措施对不同调节变量水平的影响。提供了调查结果的含义。38) 和先前验证的量表 (0.33),采用自行开发的测试来评估 IC 的研究产生了更大的效应量 (0.66)。讨论了基于技术的干预措施对不同调节变量水平的影响。提供了调查结果的含义。38) 和先前验证的量表 (0.33),采用自行开发的测试来评估 IC 的研究产生了更大的效应量 (0.66)。讨论了基于技术的干预措施对不同调节变量水平的影响。提供了调查结果的含义。
