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Value creation through marketing data analytics: The distinct contribution of data analytics assets and capabilities to unit and firm performance
Information & Management ( IF 9.9 ) Pub Date : 2022-11-03 , DOI: 10.1016/j.im.2022.103724
Josune Sáenz , Ana Ortiz de Guinea , Carmela Peñalba-Aguirrezabalaga

This study answers research calls regarding data analytics in a specific unit and its impact at the unit and organizational level. In doing so, it takes an information value chain approach to theorize about how quality data and IT-enabled data analytics sensing capability in the marketing unit relate differently to the unit performance as well as to firm-level performance. Results from a survey of 346 firms confirm the hypotheses by showing partially and fully mediated effects for quality data, and direct and partially mediated effects for sensing capability.



本研究回答了有关特定单位数据分析及其在单位和组织层面的影响的研究呼吁。在此过程中,它采用信息价值链方法对营销部门中的质量数据和 IT 支持的数据分析感知能力如何与部门绩效以及公司层面的绩效有不同的关系进行理论化。对 346 家公司的调查结果通过显示质量数据的部分和完全中介效应以及感知能力的直接和部分中介效应证实了这些假设。
