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Journal of Occupational Health ( IF 3 ) Pub Date : 2022-11-01 , DOI: 10.1002/1348-9585.12368

In Yasuda et al,1 the following error was published in Table 2.

TABLE 2. Implemented workplace measurements against COVID-19
Number of workplace measures against COVID-19
0–1 2–3 4–5 ≥6 Total
n = 4177 n = 3404 n = 4603 n = 14 852 N = 27 036
Refraining from and restriction of business trips 56 (1.3%) 400 (11.8%) 1479 (32.1%) 12 725 (85.7%) 14 660 (54.2%)
Refraining from or restriction on visitors 26 (0.6%) 189 (5.6%) 867 (18.8%) 11 217 (75.5%) 12 299 (45.5%)
Refraining from or requesting a limit on the number of people at social gatherings and dinners 149 (3.6%) 1200 (35.3%) 3340 (72.6%) 14 525 (97.8%) 19 214 (71.1%)
Refraining from or limiting face-to-face internal meetings 8 (0.2%) 250 (7.3%) 1418 (30.8%) 13 001 (87.5%) 14 677 (54.3%)
Wearing masks at all times during working hours 551 (13.2%) 2315 (68.0%) 3970 (86.2%) 14 387 (96.9%) 21 223 (78.5%)
Installation of partitions and consideration of workplace layout (e.g. altering desk layout or adjusting flow lines) 83 (2.0%) 748 (22.0%) 2316 (50.3%) 12 587 (84.7%) 15 734 (58.2%)
Recommending workers perform daily temperature checks at their homes 183 (4.4%) 1349 (39.6%) 2892 (62.8%) 12 825 (86.4%) 17 249 (63.8%)
Encouragement of telecommuting 114 (2.7%) 255 (7.5%) 539 (11.7%) 6886 (46.4%) 7794 (28.8%)
Prohibiting eating at a worker's own desk 12 (0.3%) 87 (2.6%) 292 (6.3%) 4206 (28.3%) 4597 (17.0%)
Requesting employees not to come to work when they are not feeling well 279 (6.7%) 1859 (54.6%) 3757 (81.6%) 14 335 (96.5%) 20 230 (74.8%)

The description of Table 2 in the result section:

“Table 2 shows the number of infection control efforts put in place and the details of each effort. The most commonly implemented infection control measures were “wearing masks at all times during working hours” (79%) and “refraining from or requesting a limit on the number of people at social gatherings and dinners” (71%). In contrast, relatively few companies had implemented “requesting employees not come to work when they are not feeling well” (9%) and “prohibiting workers from eating at their own desk” (17%).”

The text was incorrect and should have read:

“Table 2 shows the number of infection control efforts put in place and the details of each effort.

The most commonly implemented infection control measures were “wearing masks at all times during working hours” (79%) and “requesting employees not to come to work when they are not feeling well” (75%). In contrast, relatively few companies had implemented “prohibiting workers from eating at their own desk” (17%).”

The corrected Table 2 is below:

The authors apologize for this error.



Yasuda 等人1在表 2 中公布了以下错误。

表 2.针对 COVID-19 实施的工作场所测量
针对 COVID-19 的工作场所措施数量
0–1 2–3 4–5 ≥6 全部的
n  = 4177 n  = 3404 n  = 4603 n  = 14 852 人数 = 27 036
避免和限制出差 56 (1.3%) 400 (11.8%) 1479 (32.1%) 12 725 (85.7%) 14 660 (54.2%)
禁止或限制访客 26 (0.6%) 189 (5.6%) 867 (18.8%) 11 217 (75.5%) 12 299 (45.5%)
避免或要求限制社交聚会和晚宴的人数 149 (3.6%) 1200 (35.3%) 3340 (72.6%) 14 525 (97.8%) 19 214 (71.1%)
避免或限制面对面的内部会议 8 (0.2%) 250 (7.3%) 1418 (30.8%) 13 001 (87.5%) 14 677 (54.3%)
工作时间全程佩戴口罩 551 (13.2%) 2315 (68.0%) 3970 (86.2%) 14 387 (96.9%) 21 223 (78.5%)
安装隔断和考虑工作场所布局(例如改变办公桌布局或调整流水线) 83 (2.0%) 748 (22.0%) 2316 (50.3%) 12 587 (84.7%) 15 734 (58.2%)
建议工作人员每天在家中进行体温检测 183 (4.4%) 1349 (39.6%) 2892 (62.8%) 12 825 (86.4%) 17 249 (63.8%)
鼓励远程办公 114 (2.7%) 255 (7.5%) 539 (11.7%) 6886 (46.4%) 7794 (28.8%)
禁止在员工自己的办公桌上吃饭 12 (0.3%) 87 (2.6%) 292 (6.3%) 4206 (28.3%) 4597 (17.0%)
要求员工身体不适时不要上班 279 (6.7%) 1859 (54.6%) 3757 (81.6%) 14 335 (96.5%) 20 230 (74.8%)


“表 2 显示了已采取的感染控制措施的数量以及每项措施的详细信息。最常实施的感染控制措施是“工作时间全程佩戴口罩”(79%)和“避免或要求限制社交聚会和聚餐人数”(71%)。相比之下,实施“要求员工身体不适时不来上班”(9%)和“禁止员工在自己的办公桌上用餐”(17%)的公司相对较少。


“表 2 显示了已采取的感染控制措施的数量以及每项措施的详细信息。



