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How does low income affect older people’s travel practices? Findings of a qualitative case study on the links between financial poverty, mobility and social participation
Travel Behaviour and Society ( IF 5.850 ) Pub Date : 2022-10-29 , DOI: 10.1016/j.tbs.2022.10.003
Caroline Rozynek , Martin Lanzendorf

Financial poverty, mobility and social participation are interrelated. This nexus makes old-age poverty a highly relevant issue in terms of transport-related social exclusion in an ageing society. To understand how financial poverty affects older people’s travel practices and how they cope with their limited financial resources, we conducted qualitative interviews with low-income older people (aged 60 and above) in Ronnenberg (Hanover region, Germany). Although all the respondents have comparably limited financial resources, using a practice theory perspective along the elements of materials, competences and meanings (Shove et al., 2012), we identified three different types of low-income older people by their travel practices: (i) active older people with multifaceted social interactions, (ii) neighbourhood-oriented older people with local interactions and (iii) home-centred older people with few social interactions. From our analysis, we conclude that financial poverty shapes each element of low-income older people’s travel practices and thereby increases the risk of transport-related social exclusion: (i) certain materials have to be financed, which is challenging or even impossible due to financial poverty; (ii) meanings of travel practices are strongly linked to other practices, thus, if (also for financial reasons) no or a limited range of destinations are mentioned, travel practices are restricted in their frequency and distance; and (iii) necessary competences to be mobile and engage in social activities despite low financial means seem to be differentially available or - more cautiously formulated – less often utilised by low-income older people, which may lead to them abandoning travel practices and related social activities.



金融贫困、流动性和社会参与是相互关联的。这种关系使得老年贫困成为老龄化社会中与交通相关的社会排斥的一个高度相关的问题。为了了解经济贫困如何影响老年人的旅行习惯以及他们如何应对有限的财务资源,我们对 Ronnenberg(德国汉诺威地区)的低收入老年人(60 岁及以上)进行了定性访谈。尽管所有受访者的财务资源相对有限,但我们从材料、能力和意义等要素(Shove et al., 2012)使用实践理论视角,通过他们的旅行实践确定了三种不同类型的低收入老年人:( i) 活跃的老年人,具有多方面的社交互动,(ii) 以邻里为中心的老年人,与当地有互动和 (iii) 以家庭为中心,很少社交互动的老年人。根据我们的分析,我们得出的结论是,经济贫困影响了低收入老年人出行方式的每个要素,从而增加了与交通相关的社会排斥风险:(i) 必须为某些材料提供资金,这具有挑战性甚至是不可能的,因为经济贫困;(ii) 旅行实践的含义与其他实践密切相关,因此,如果(也出于经济原因)未提及目的地或目的地范围有限,则旅行实践的频率和距离会受到限制;
