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Associations Between Parenting Behavior and Positive and Negative Affect in Elementary Age Children
Journal of Child and Family Studies ( IF 2.784 ) Pub Date : 2022-10-21 , DOI: 10.1007/s10826-022-02469-w
Kelsea M. Visalli , Patrick Pössel , Allison D. Blackburn , Jill L. Adelson

Children’s experience of positive and negative affect is an understudied area that is associated with many negative consequences. Per the tripartite model of emotion, high levels of negative affect and low levels of positive affect are associated with depression. Parent behaviors have been associated with children’s experience of positive and negative affect; however, few studies look at the combination of multiple domains of parenting behavior. In this study we explored the relationship between five categories of parenting behavior (positive parenting, involvement, supervision and monitoring, inconsistent discipline, corporal punishment) and elementary students’ positive and negative affect. The Alabama Parenting Questionnaire and the Positive and Negative Affect Schedule for Children were completed by 777 third to fifth grade students in public elementary schools. Bi-variate correlations and two separate multiple regressions were calculated to determine if parenting behaviors predicted positive and negative affect in children. We found significant positive associations of positive parenting with positive affect in children, poor supervision and monitoring to be significantly negatively associated with children’s experience of positive affect, and corporal punishment to be significantly positively associated with negative affect in children. Finally, poor supervision and monitoring was significantly positively associated with children’s negative affect, and this remained after controlling for the associations of all other types of parenting behavior. Results suggest that positive parenting, corporal punishment, and poor supervision/monitoring may be key in understanding the development of positive and negative affect in children.



儿童对正面和负面影响的体验是一个与许多负面后果相关的未被充分研究的领域。根据情绪的三方模型,高水平的消极情绪和低水平的积极情绪与抑郁症有关。父母的行为与孩子的正面和负面情感体验有关;然而,很少有研究关注育儿行为的多个领域的组合。在这项研究中,我们探讨了五类育儿行为(积极育儿、参与、监督和监控、纪律不一致、体罚)与小学生正负情感之间的关系。777 名公立小学三年级至五年级学生完成了阿拉巴马州育儿问卷和儿童正面和负面影响表。计算双变量相关性和两个单独的多元回归以确定育儿行为是否预测儿童的积极和消极影响。我们发现,积极的养育方式与儿童的积极情感显着正相关,监督和监督不善与儿童的积极情感体验显着负相关,体罚与儿童的消极情感显着正相关。最后,不良的监督和监督与儿童的负面影响显着正相关,在控制了所有其他类型的育儿行为的关联之后,这种情况仍然存在。结果表明,积极的养育方式、体罚和不良的监督/监控可能是理解儿童积极和消极情感发展的关键。
