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Tymlat, Close
Current Anthropology ( IF 3.226 ) Pub Date : 2022-10-18 , DOI: 10.1086/722401
Amélie Barbier

In Koryak languages, tymlat means “close.” This name was chosen by Koryak families for their new home when they were forcefully relocated by the Soviet government near a collective farm on the coast of the Bering Sea in the early 1950s. Several northern areas of the Kamchatkan peninsula, in the Russian Far East, can be reached only by helicopter; roads are rare, and relatives often do not see each other during the long winter. Nevertheless, in the summertime young adults go back to Tymlat to work in the tundra, meet with their families, and organize various events. This photographic essay focuses on Tymlat’s youth during the summer of 2019 and, through their stories, explores modern mobility and young Subarctic peoples’ “images of home.”



在科里亚克语中,tymlat 的意思是“关闭”。1950 年代初,当苏联政府强行将科里亚克家庭搬到白令海沿岸的一个集体农场附近时,他们选择了这个名字作为他们的新家。俄罗斯远东地区堪察加半岛北部的几个地区只能乘坐直升机抵达;道路稀少,在漫长的冬天里,亲人往往见不到面。然而,在夏季,年轻人会回到 Tymlat 在苔原上工作,与家人见面并组织各种活动。这篇摄影文章聚焦于 2019 年夏天 Tymlat 的青年,并通过他们的故事探索现代流动性和亚北极地区年轻人的“家园形象”。