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Integrating transgender care into mainstream medicine—an essay by Guy T’Sjoen and Joz Motmans
The BMJ ( IF 105.7 ) Pub Date : 2022-10-03 , DOI: 10.1136/bmj.o1949
Guy T’Sjoen 1, 2 , Joz Motmans 3, 4

All healthcare professionals will find themselves supporting care for a transgender or gender diverse person at some point, and education and research need to be widened, write Guy T’Sjoen and Joz Motmans Population estimates show that transgender and gender diverse identities or experiences can no longer be considered a rarity. The prevalence of transgender identities is cited as 0.3% to 0.5% among adults and 1.2% to 2.7% among children and adolescents1; data from the 2021 Canadian census, to pick one example, showed 0.33% of the 30.5 million citizens identifying as transgender or non-binary (box 1).23 These numbers can be understood through the evolving awareness of gender diversity in societies, the improved legal framework in many regions around the world, access to information over the internet and through social media, and the existing possibilities for gender affirming care.45 Box 1 ### Gender diverse terminologyRETURN TO TEXT As more people feel comfortable in outing themselves, more transgender …


将跨性别护理融入主流医学——Guy T'Sjoen 和 Joz Motmans 的文章

Guy T'Sjoen 和 Joz Motmans 写道,所有医疗保健专业人员都会发现自己在某个时候支持对跨性别或性别多元化的人进行护理,教育和研究需要扩大,人口估计表明,跨性别和性别多元化的身份或经历不再可能被视为稀有。跨性别身份的流行率在成人中为 0.3% 至 0.5%,在儿童和青少年中为 1.2% 至 2.7%1;举一个例子,来自 2021 年加拿大人口普查的数据显示,在 3,050 万公民中,有 0.33% 被认定为跨性别或非二元性别(框 1)。23 这些数字可以通过社会对性别多样性的认识不断发展来理解,改善的世界许多地区的法律框架,通过互联网和社交媒体获取信息,