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Better data, less gun violence
Science ( IF 56.9 ) Pub Date : 2022-09-29 , DOI: 10.1126/science.ade9060
Andrew R Morral 1 , Rosanna Smart 2

For 25 years, the US government funded little research on firearm violence prevention. Although some dedicated researchers made important discoveries over this period, the scale of the research effort was not commensurate with the problem. Recently, however, there has been an unprecedented surge in research funding: the National Collaborative on Gun Violence Research, a private philanthropy, has awarded more than $21 million since 2018; the federal government has committed $25 million per year since 2019; and some states and other philanthropies have recently invested in such research programs.



25 年来,美国政府几乎没有资助预防枪支暴力的研究。尽管一些专门的研究人员在此期间取得了重要发现,但研究工作的规模与问题不相称。然而,最近,研究经费出现了前所未有的激增:私人慈善机构国家枪支暴力研究合作组织自 2018 年以来已拨款超过 2100 万美元;自 2019 年以来,联邦政府每年承诺拨款 2500 万美元;一些州和其他慈善机构最近对此类研究项目进行了投资。