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Implementing the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute’s Strategic Vision in the Division of Cardiovascular Sciences—2022 Update
Circulation Research ( IF 20.1 ) Pub Date : 2022-09-29 , DOI: 10.1161/circresaha.122.321449
Meagan G Grant 1 , Charlotte Pratt 1 , Renee P Wong 1 , Ebyan Addou 1 , Patrice Desvigne-Nickens 1 , Rebecca A Campo 1 , Laurie Friedman Donze 1 , Vanessa I Barnes 1 , David W Schopfer 1 , Cashell E Jaquish 1 , Jerome Fleg 1 , Zorina S Galis 1 , Kathleen Fenton 1 , Young S Oh 1 , Yuling Hong 1 , Jue Chen 1 , Wayne Wang 1 , Lawrence Fine 1 , David C Goff 1

Spurred by the 2016 release of the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute’s Strategic Vision, the Division of Cardiovascular Sciences developed its Strategic Vision Implementation Plan—a blueprint for reigniting the decline in cardiovascular disease (CVD) mortality rates, improving health equity, and accelerating translation of scientific discoveries into better cardiovascular health (CVH). The 6 scientific focus areas of the Strategic Vision Implementation Plan reflect the multifactorial nature of CVD and include (1) addressing social determinants of CVH and health inequities, (2) enhancing resilience, (3) promoting CVH and preventing CVD across the lifespan, (4) eliminating hypertension-related CVD, (5) reducing the burden of heart failure, and (6) preventing vascular dementia. This article presents an update of strategic vision implementation activities within Division of Cardiovascular Sciences. Overarching and cross-cutting themes include training the scientific workforce and engaging the extramural scientific community to stimulate transformative research in cardiovascular sciences. In partnership with other NIH Institutes, Federal agencies, industry, and the extramural research community, Division of Cardiovascular Sciences strategic vision implementation has stimulated development of numerous workshops and research funding opportunities. Strategic Vision Implementation Plan activities highlight innovative intervention modalities, interdisciplinary systems approaches to CVD reduction, a life course framework for CVH promotion and CVD prevention, and multi-pronged research strategies for combatting COVID-19. As new knowledge, technologies, and areas of scientific research emerge, Division of Cardiovascular Sciences will continue its thoughtful approach to strategic vision implementation, remaining poised to seize emerging opportunities and catalyze breakthroughs in cardiovascular sciences.


在心血管科学部门实施国家心肺血液研究所的战略愿景 — 2022 年更新

在国家心肺血液研究所 2016 年发布的战略愿景的推动下,心血管科学部制定了战略愿景实施计划,该计划是重新降低心血管疾病 (CVD) 死亡率、改善健康公平性和提高健康水平的蓝图。加速将科学发现转化为更好的心血管健康 (CVH)。战略愿景实施计划的 6 个科学重点领域反映了 CVD 的多因素性质,包括 (1) 解决 CVH 和健康不平等的社会决定因素,(2) 增强复原力,(3) 在整个生命周期促进 CVH 和预防 CVD,( 4)消除高血压相关的心血管疾病,(5)减轻心力衰竭的负担,(6)预防血管性痴呆。本文介绍了心血管科学部战略愿景实施活动的最新情况。总体和跨领域主题包括培训科学队伍和吸引校外科学界参与,以促进心血管科学领域的变革性研究。心血管科学部与其他 NIH 研究所、联邦机构、工业界和校外研究界合作,实施战略愿景,刺激了众多研讨会和研究资助机会的发展。战略愿景实施计划活动强调创新的干预方式、减少 CVD 的跨学科系统方法、促进 CVH 和 CVD 预防的生命过程框架,以及对抗 COVID-19 的多管齐下的研究策略。随着新知识、技术和科学研究领域的出现,心血管科学部将继续采用深思熟虑的方法来实施战略愿景,随时准备抓住新的机遇,促进心血管科学的突破。