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Secured polar code derived from random hopped frozen-bits
Wireless Networks ( IF 3 ) Pub Date : 2022-09-27 , DOI: 10.1007/s11276-022-03127-1
Karim H. Moussa , Shawki Shaaban , Ahmed H. El-Sakka

The polar code is a unique coding approach that can achieve Shannon's capacity in modern communication systems' discrete memory-less channels with superior reliability, but it is not secure enough under modern attacks for such systems. This study aims to offer a comprehensive secured polar coding scheme that uses a combination of polar coding and the Mersenne-Twister pseudo-random number generator (MT-PRNG) to achieve a super secured encoding. The pre-shared crypto-system cyphering key initiates the starting state of the MT-PRNG as a seed. The randomly generated sequences govern the values of the frozen bits in polarized bit channels and their associated indices. A half-bit-error-rate probability system performance is calculated when the encoding ciphering keys at the receiver differ by a single bit from those utilized at the transmitter. Using calculated numerical analysis, the system is shown to be secure against brute force attacks, Rao-Nam attacks, and polar code reconstruction attacks.



Polar码是一种独特的编码方法,可以在现代通信系统的离散无记忆信道中实现香农的容量,具有卓越的可靠性,但在现代攻击下对于此类系统来说不够安全。本研究旨在提供一种综合的安全极性编码方案,该方案使用极性编码和 Mersenne-Twister 伪随机数发生器 (MT-PRNG) 的组合来实现超级安全编码。预共享密码系统加密密钥作为种子启动 MT-PRNG 的起始状态。随机生成的序列控制极化比特通道中冻结比特的值及其相关索引。当接收器处的编码加密密钥与发送器处使用的加密密钥相差一个比特时,计算半比特错误率概率系统性能。
