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Porcelain waste from electrical insulators in self-leveling mortar: Materials characterization and properties
Journal of Building Engineering ( IF 6.4 ) Pub Date : 2022-09-24 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jobe.2022.105297
Valdir M. Pereira , Rodrigo H. Geraldo , Raphael Baldusco , Gladis Camarini

The addition of waste in building materials is a technical and economical alternative for modern construction. Self-leveling mortar (SLM) is a material used in floors because it is able to flow and fill a base area without using extra energy. The present studied SLMs using porcelain insulator waste (PIW) as partial and total sand replacement. Different methods were used to characterize the PIW (e.g. X-ray fluorescence, X-ray diffraction (XRD), and pozzolanic activity index) and tests were made in SLMs in fresh and hardened states. XRD results revealed that PIW presented pozzolanic characteristics and increased the compressive strength of mortars. Tests also not verified alkali-aggregate reaction (AAR) when PIW was added. SLMs containing PIW presented compressive and flexural strengths of 24.11 MPa and 7.07 MPa, respectively. The spread diameter reached values found in the literature.



在建筑材料中添加废物是现代建筑的技术和经济替代方案。自流平砂浆 (SLM) 是一种用于地板的材料,因为它能够在不使用额外能量的情况下流动并填充基层区域。目前研究了使用瓷绝缘子废料(PIW)作为部分和全部沙子替代物的 SLM。使用不同的方法来表征 PIW(例如 X 射线荧光、X 射线衍射 (XRD) 和火山灰活性指数),并在新鲜和硬化状态的 SLM 中进行了测试。XRD结果表明,PIW呈现火山灰特性并增加砂浆的抗压强度。测试也未验证添加 PIW 时的碱-骨料反应 (AAR)。含有 PIW 的 SLM 的抗压强度和抗弯强度分别为 24.11 MPa 和 7.07 MPa。
