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Sexual orientation identity matters: Lesbian, Gay, and Bi-sexual customers’ perceptions of service encounters
Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management ( IF 12.5 ) Pub Date : 2022-09-21 , DOI: 10.1080/19368623.2023.2125473
Heejung Ro 1


This research focuses on Lesbian, Gay, and Bi-sexual (LGB) customers’ perceptions of hospitality service encounters in regard to sexual orientation identity. A survey is developed and 177 participants are recruited from a large LGBT event in the Unites States. The MANCOVA results show that LGB customers who are more open about their sexual orientation indicate a higher importance in being acknowledged for their sexual orientation by service employees, believe that service employees are aware of their sexual orientation, and are more likely to reveal their sexual orientation when service employees misidentify them as heterosexual, compared to those who are less open about their sexual orientation. This research contributes to hospitality research by providing a better understanding of LGB customers’ perceptions of hospitality service encounters from a sexual orientation identity perspective. This research also guides hospitality practitioners to increase sensitivity in catering for sexual minority customers through effective communication and training.




本研究的重点是女同性恋、男同性恋和双性恋 (LGB) 顾客对与性取向身份相关的酒店服务体验的看法。开展了一项调查,并从美国的大型 LGBT 活动中招募了 177 名参与者。MANCOVA 结果表明,对自己的性取向持更开放态度的 LGB 顾客表明他们的性取向被服务人员承认的重要性更高,认为服务人员了解他们的性取向,并且更有可能透露他们的性取向当服务人员误认为他们是异性恋时,与那些对自己的性取向不太开放的人相比。通过从性取向身份的角度更好地了解 LGB 客户对酒店服务遭遇的看法,这项研究有助于酒店研究。该研究还指导酒店从业者通过有效的沟通和培训提高对性少数客户的服务敏感度。
