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Self-Attention-Based Machine Theory of Mind for Electric Vehicle Charging Demand Forecast
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics ( IF 12.3 ) Pub Date : 2022-06-08 , DOI: 10.1109/tii.2022.3180399
Tianyu Hu 1 , Huimin Ma 1 , Hao Liu 1 , Hongbin Sun 2 , Kailong Liu 3

The popularization of electric vehicles (EVs) and charging stations has been threatening the distribution network’s reliability and efficiency. The prediction of EV charging demand can benefit the optimization of the operation of energy-transportation nexus and improve social welfare toward a low carbon future. In this article, a short-term probabilistic charging demand forecast model is proposed to estimate the quantiles of future charging demand of a charging station 15 min ahead, i.e., the self-attention-based machine theory of mind (SAMToM). The SAMToM has considered both the users’ historical charging habits (schedules) and the current trend of charging demand variation using the framework of machine theory of mind (MToM), and real-world-data-based case studies have verified its superiority in EV charging demand forecast over state-of-the-arts. Moreover, analyses show that the advantage of SAMToM lies in the following aspects. 1) The self-attention layers have mitigated the long-range forgetting in SAMToM. 2) The MToM architecture enables SAMToM to balance historical charging habits and current charging demand variation trends well. 3) Using a quantile forecast evaluation metric as the loss function, i.e., the continuous ranked probability score (CRPS), enables SAMToM to aim directly at the highest quality of forecasted quantiles.



电动汽车 (EV) 和充电站的普及一直威胁着配电网络的可靠性和效率。电动汽车充电需求的预测有利于优化能源运输关系的运行,提高社会福利,迈向低碳未来。在本文中,提出了一种短期概率充电需求预测模型来估计充电站未来15分钟充电需求的分位数,即基于自我注意的机器心理理论(SAMToM)。SAMToM 使用机器思维理论(MToM)的框架,同时考虑了用户的历史充电习惯(时间表)和当前充电需求变化趋势,并且基于真实世界数据的案例研究已经验证了其在电动汽车充电需求预测方面优于最先进技术的优势。此外,分析表明SAMToM的优势在于以下几个方面。1) 自注意力层减轻了 SAMToM 中的远程遗忘。2)MToM架构使SAMToM能够很好地平衡历史充电习惯和当前充电需求变化趋势。3)使用分位数预测评估指标作为损失函数,即连续排名概率得分(CRPS),使SAMToM能够直接瞄准预测分位数的最高质量。2)MToM架构使SAMToM能够很好地平衡历史充电习惯和当前充电需求变化趋势。3)使用分位数预测评估指标作为损失函数,即连续排名概率得分(CRPS),使SAMToM能够直接瞄准预测分位数的最高质量。2)MToM架构使SAMToM能够很好地平衡历史充电习惯和当前充电需求变化趋势。3)使用分位数预测评估指标作为损失函数,即连续排名概率得分(CRPS),使SAMToM能够直接瞄准预测分位数的最高质量。