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In this October issue
Emergency Medicine Australasia ( IF 2.3 ) Pub Date : 2022-09-18 , DOI: 10.1111/1742-6723.14080

Imaging in paediatric trauma

Paediatric trauma is a major cause of morbidity and mortality. Medical imaging, particularly CT scans, require specific consideration due to the consequences of radiation exposure in children. A group from Queensland state that evidence based guidelines for CT imaging in paediatric trauma are essential and consensus between hospital specialties and incorporation of appropriate algorithms into electronic requesting systems must be implemented. The need for each component of a CT scan should be carefully assessed, particularly when considering multiple body area scans. Complicated decisions should involve a multidisciplinary team.




儿科创伤是发病率和死亡率的主要原因。由于儿童辐射暴露的后果,需要特别考虑医学成像,尤其是 CT 扫描。来自昆士兰州的一个小组表示,基于证据的儿科创伤 CT 成像指南至关重要,必须实施医院专业之间的共识,并将适当的算法纳入电子请求系统。应仔细评估 CT 扫描的每个组成部分的需求,特别是在考虑多个身体区域扫描时。复杂的决策应涉及多学科团队。
