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Laboratory test of Beauveria bassiana (Balsamo-Crivelli) Vuillemin s.l. (Hypocreales: Clavicipitaceae) baits for the biocontrol of the Toad grasshopper pest, Bufonacris claraziana (Saussure) (Orthoptera: Tristiridae)
Egyptian Journal of Biological Pest Control ( IF 2.4 ) Pub Date : 2022-09-19 , DOI: 10.1186/s41938-022-00609-4
Yanina Mariottini , Carlos E. Lange , Sebastian E. Pelizza

The Toad grasshopper pest, Bufonacris claraziana (Saussure) (Orthoptera: Tristiridae) is an endemic species of the Argentine Patagonia region. Among the Tristiridae family, it is the only species recognized as harmful to agricultural and livestock activities in the country. Outbreaks of B. claraziana have become a recurring phenomenon in the recent years, affecting different areas of the Patagonian provinces. The aim of this study was to evaluate, as laboratory bioassays, the mortality in young nymphs of this species treated with bait formulations of the entomopathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana (Hypocreales: Clavicipitaceae). The two treatments performed, one of them (I) with conidia of B. bassiana only and the other (II) with conidia of B. bassiana plus canola oil as phagostimulant, produced significantly higher mortality than the control (p < 0.05). At 10 days from the start of the bioassay, the mortality registered in the treatment II (53.33%) was higher than that in the treatment I (23.33%) (p < 0.05). This difference was similar at 15 days post-treatment, mortality reached in treatment II (93.33%) higher than in treatment I (73.33%). Results demonstrated that the combination of canola oil with wheat bran makes the bait with conidia of B. bassiana more attractive for nymphs of B. claraziana, enhancing mortality over a shorter interval of time.


Beauveria bassiana (Balsamo-Crivelli) Vuillemin sl (Hypocreales: Clavicipitaceae) 诱饵用于蟾蜍蚱蜢害虫 Bufonacris claraziana (Saussure) (直翅目: Tristiridae) 生物防治的实验室测试

蟾蜍蚱蜢害虫 Bufonacris claraziana (Saussure) (Orthoptera: Tristiridae) 是阿根廷巴塔哥尼亚地区的特有物种。在 Tristiridae 家族中,它是该国唯一被认为对农业和畜牧业活动有害的物种。B. claraziana 的爆发近年来已成为一种反复出现的现象,影响了巴塔哥尼亚各省的不同地区。本研究的目的是作为实验室生物测定评估用昆虫病原真菌 Beauveria bassiana(Hypocreales:Clavicipitaceae)的诱饵制剂处理的该物种年轻若虫的死亡率。进行了两种处理,其中一种 (I) 仅使用 B. bassiana 的分生孢子,另一种 (II) 使用 B. bassiana 的分生孢子加上菜籽油作为诱食剂,产生显着高于对照的死亡率(p <0.05)。在生物测定开始后的第 10 天,治疗 II (53.33%) 记录的死亡率高于治疗 I (23.33%) (p < 0.05)。这种差异在治疗后 15 天相似,治疗 II (93.33%) 的死亡率高于治疗 I (73.33%)。结果表明,菜籽油与麦麸的组合使带有 B. bassiana 分生孢子的诱饵对 B. claraziana 若虫更具吸引力,从而在更短的时间内提高了死亡率。33%) 高于治疗 I (73.33%)。结果表明,菜籽油与麦麸的组合使带有 B. bassiana 分生孢子的诱饵对 B. claraziana 若虫更具吸引力,从而在更短的时间内提高了死亡率。33%) 高于治疗 I (73.33%)。结果表明,菜籽油与麦麸的组合使带有 B. bassiana 分生孢子的诱饵对 B. claraziana 若虫更具吸引力,从而在更短的时间内提高了死亡率。