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Rethinking awkwardness made in collisions of physical and early childhood education
Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy ( IF 4.638 ) Pub Date : 2022-09-16 , DOI: 10.1080/17408989.2022.2123462
Nicole Land 1



Beginning with a proposition that physical education (PE) and early childhood education (ECE) build affinities through shared developmental interests, this article works the gaps made possible when PE meets with ECE in unfamiliar ways. Through a shared investment in the normalizing and minoritizing functions of child development, how and why PE collides with ECE often hierarchizes particular knowledges, practices, and relations that typically foster instrumental and technical educational approaches to understanding children’s movement that align with settler colonial, Euro-Western conceptions of bodied individualism, responsibility, and regulation. These status-quo alliances of PE with ECE manifest in children’s movement guidelines and leave little room for local, responsive invention with children. This article asks what becomes within the spaces where PE and ECE collide otherwise – where we do not already know what can be made in the proximities of these two bodies of knowledge and instead attend to moments where, in everyday meetings of PE and ECE, we create unfamiliar pedagogical possibilities for moving with children.

Purpose and Method

I detail one concept found in the literature where PE meets ECE: awkwardness. I re-encounter awkwardness through blog posts co-written by early childhood educator co-researchers and the researcher during Moving Pedagogies, a pedagogical inquiry project where early childhood educators and preschool-aged children investigated how to walk slowly while disrupting walking as primarily a mode of exercise. Then, alongside Manning’s ([2014]. “Wondering the World Directly–or, how Movement Outruns the Subject.” Body & Society 20 (3-4): 162–188.) ‘precarious equilibrium’, awkwardness is engaged through its contradictions and troubles toward nourishing our imperfect work to move otherwise with PE and ECE.


Resisting the urge to articulate an overarching model for PE and ECE to intersect going forward, this article brings to the foreground moments where PE and ECE meet and fail and where what we thought we knew about PE and ECE crumbles. It proposes that with situated, enduring threads of PE and ECE we might co-create with children locally meaningful possibilities for moving together. The article concludes with a vital question for PE and ECE practitioners, educators, and researchers to grapple with: how do we do moving with children with local collisions of PE, ECE, bodies, knowledges, inheritances, and lively more-than-human others, where to move is to take the risk of inventively enmeshing our collective movements within the hopeful, messy, and disorienting ethical and political entanglements that compose complex contemporary worlds?





本文从体育 (PE) 和幼儿教育 (ECE) 通过共同的发展兴趣建立亲和力的命题开始,探讨了当体育以不熟悉的方式与 ECE 相遇时可能出现的差距。通过对儿童发展的正常化和少数化功能的共同投资,PE 如何以及为何与 ECE 相冲突通常将特定的知识、实践和关系分层,这些知识、实践和关系通常会促进理解儿童运动的工具和技术教育方法,这些方法与定居者殖民、欧洲西方关于身体的个人主义、责任和监管的概念。PE 与 ECE 的这些现状联盟体现在儿童运动指南中,并没有为当地的、响应性的儿童发明留下空间。


我详细介绍了 PE 遇到 ECE 的文献中的一个概念:尴尬。我通过幼儿教育合作研究人员和研究人员在“移动教学法”期间共同撰写的博客文章再次遇到尴尬,这是一个教学探究项目,幼儿教育工作者和学龄前儿童研究如何缓慢行走,同时破坏步行主要是一种模式的运动。然后,与曼宁 ([2014]. “Wondering the World Direct-or, how Movements Outruns the Subject.” Body & Society 20 (3-4): 162-188.) “不稳定的平衡”一起,尴尬是通过它的矛盾来参与的以及滋养我们不完美的工作以改变PE和ECE的麻烦。


抵制阐明 PE 和 ECE 未来相交的总体模型的冲动,本文提出了 PE 和 ECE 相遇和失败的前景时刻,以及我们认为我们对 PE 和 ECE 的了解崩溃的地方。它建议通过 PE 和 ECE 的定位、持久的线程,我们可以与孩子们共同创造在当地有意义的一起移动的可能性。文章最后提出了一个重要的问题,供 PE 和 ECE 从业者、教育者和研究人员解决:我们如何与儿童一起移动,与 PE、ECE、身体、知识、遗产和活泼的其他人发生冲突,要冒险将我们的集体运动创造性地融入构成复杂当代世界的充满希望、混乱和迷失方向的伦理和政治纠葛中,该怎么做?
