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Exercise countermeasure preferences of three male astronauts, a preliminary qualitative study
Acta Astronautica ( IF 3.5 ) Pub Date : 2022-09-14 , DOI: 10.1016/j.actaastro.2022.09.012
J.M. Laws , C. Bruce-Martin , N. Caplan , R. Meroni , A. Winnard


A single flywheel exercise countermeasure has been chosen for use on-board the Orion Multi-Purpose Crew Vehicle for spaceflight missions of up to 30 days. As previous missions have typically involved the use of multiple exercise countermeasures there is a concern that the use of only flywheel may lead to boredom and reduce astronaut adherence to exercise prescriptions, presenting a risk to their health and the operational success of the mission. To determine if this will be a concern, this qualitative work identified astronaut-reported operational considerations for the implementation of an exercise countermeasure device for use during spaceflight, and if current plans for the implementation of a single flywheel exercise countermeasure device may affect astronaut adherence to exercise prescriptions.


The responses of three male astronauts to an open-ended qualitative survey were analysed using thematic analysis. All participants were required to currently be taking part in, or have previously taken part in, human spaceflight.


Astronaut preferences for the use of an exercise device during spaceflight were categorised into three broad themes: exercise device ease of access, motivational and behavioural considerations, and operational and technical considerations. The three astronauts considered a single flywheel-based exercise device suitable for use as the sole exercise countermeasure on-board the Orion MPCV, and similar capsular spacecraft, so long as it met several conditions. The device should engage astronauts in a varied exercise prescription. The device should also meet the physiological expectations required of exercise countermeasures for spaceflight deconditioning. The device should be enjoyable to use, and measures should be put in place to reduce boredom (via variety in exercise prescription). The device should be easy to access in terms of both use and setup/takedown. Finally, the device should only be used without other exercise countermeasures for missions of 30 days or less.


Individual crewmember preferences should be taken into consideration following crew selection to ensure the greatest adherence to exercise prescriptions. The data reported here should be used to supplement, not entirely inform, the development and use of future exercise countermeasures.




猎户座多功能载人飞船选择了一种单飞轮演习对抗措施,用于长达 30 天的太空飞行任务。由于以前的任务通常涉及使用多种运动对抗措施,因此有人担心仅使用飞轮可能会导致无聊并降低宇航员对运动处方的遵守程度,从而对他们的健康和任务的成功运行构成风险。为了确定这是否会成为一个问题,这项定性工作确定了宇航员报告的实施用于太空飞行的运动对抗装置的操作考虑因素,以及当前实施单飞轮运动对抗装置的计划是否可能影响宇航员遵守运动处方。




宇航员在太空飞行期间对使用锻炼设备的偏好分为三大主题:锻炼设备的易用性、动机和行为考虑因素以及操作和技术考虑因素。这三名宇航员认为,只要满足几个条件,一个基于飞轮的运动装置就适合用作猎户座 MPCV 和类似太空舱航天器上的唯一运动对抗装置。该设备应该让宇航员参与各种运动处方。该设备还应满足航天飞行去适应运动对策所需的生理期望。该设备应该使用起来很愉快,并且应该采取措施减少无聊(通过各种运动处方)。该设备在使用和设置/拆卸方面都应该易于访问。最后,该设备只能在没有其他运动对策的情况下用于 30 天或更短的任务。


