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At what size do anti-injury shelters start to play a positive role in the culture of Portunus trituberculatus?
Frontiers in Marine Science ( IF 3.7 ) Pub Date : 2022-09-14 , DOI: 10.3389/fmars.2022.1018565
Jie He , Huaihua Yu , Litao Wan , Dongxu Zhang , Wenjun Xu

Based on the existing research, special plastic baskets were used as anti-injury shelters to explore the hidden behavior and molting growth of Portunus trituberculatus (Swimming crab) different initial body weights (Group A: 5.74 ± 0.11 g, Group B: 12.06 ± 0.15 g, Group C: 24.82 ± 0.41 g, Group D: 49.55 ± 1.12 g and Group E: 94.32 ± 1.19 g). The results showed that the shelter occupancy rate (SOR) during the daytime with all different body weights were significantly higher than that at night (P < 0.05), and the SOR was proportional to the crab’s body weight, among them, SOR in group E was as high as 71.52%. Meanwhile, the territorial consciousness of smaller body weight crabs (Groups A, B and C) was poor, and there was a phenomenon in which multiple individuals occupied the same shelter at the same time, while the individuals with the body weight of approximately 50 g and above (Groups D and E) had strong territorial consciousness, and most of them occupied one shelter alone. In all groups, more individuals chose to molt in the shelter on condition that there existed shelter, and the rate of molting in group B was high up to 81.15% and that in other groups was about 60%. Although the existence of shelter had no significant influence on the molting interphase (MI) of swimming crab in each group, the body weight growth rate (WGR) and carapace width growth rate (WGRC) after molting were increased by shelter compared with those without shelter. In addition, shelter could improve the survival rate (SR) in each group, and the effect of shelter on individuals with large body weight was relatively more obvious, in which the SR in Group D was significantly improved (P < 0.05). In general, the shelter can play a positive role in the whole growth of swimming crab. Therefore, it is necessary to set up the shelter in advance before the seedlings are put into production, which is helpful to increase the yield of swimming crab.



在已有研究的基础上,利用特殊的塑料篮子作为抗伤害的庇护所,探索它们的隐藏行为和蜕皮生长。三疣梭子蟹(游泳蟹)不同的初始体重(A组:5.74 ± 0.11 g,B组:12.06 ± 0.15 g,C组:24.82 ± 0.41 g,D组:49.55 ± 1.12 g和E组:94.32 ± 1.19 g)。结果表明,白天不同体重的庇护所入住率(SOR)均显着高于夜间(< 0.05),SOR与蟹体重成正比,其中E组SOR高达71.52%。同时,体型较小的螃蟹(A、B、C组)的领地意识较差,存在多个个体同时占据同一个庇护所的现象,而体重在50克左右的个体及以上(D组和E组)具有强烈的地域意识,他们大多单独占据一个避难所。各组中,在有遮蔽处的情况下,选择在遮蔽处换羽的个体较多,B组的换羽率高达81.15%,其他组为60%左右。虽然避难所的存在对各组鲫的蜕皮间期(MI)没有显着影响,C ) 蜕皮后有遮蔽物较无遮蔽物增加。此外,庇护所可以提高各组的生存率(SR),庇护所对大体重个体的影响相对更明显,其中D组的生存率有显着改善(< 0.05)。一般来说,遮蔽物可以对游泳蟹的整个生长起到积极的作用。因此,需要在苗木投产前提前设置好避难所,有利于提高梭子蟹的产量。
