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Newly Released Data on Examination Pass Rates Supports Need for Widespread Reform
Research on Social Work Practice ( IF 1.984 ) Pub Date : 2022-09-09 , DOI: 10.1177/10497315221124137
Dawn Apgar 1 , Mary Nienow 2

The recent release of the Association of Social Work Boards’ (ASWB) licensure examination pass rate data by demographic characteristics and academic program (ASWB, 2022a) confirms what most already suspected. Differentials in pass rates disadvantage those from oppressed and marginalized groups, such as those who are Black, older, non-native English speakers, and women. Issues of systemic inequities are not new, even within the social work profession. More than 35 years ago, Iversen (1987) questioned whether licensure was detrimental to women social workers. Morrow (1996) asserted that social work education programs perpetuated bias and discrimination in their curricula in the form of heterosexism. More recently, about a third of students with disabilities, impairments, or medical conditions report experiencing microaggressions in their social work courses, documenting the existence of ableism within these accredited settings (Kattari et al., 2020).



社会工作委员会协会 (ASWB) 最近发布的按人口特征和学术项目划分的执照考试通过率数据 (ASWB, 2022a) 证实了大多数人已经怀疑的情况。通过率的差异对来自受压迫和边缘化群体的人不利,例如黑人、年长者、非英语母语者和女性。系统性不平等问题并不新鲜,即使在社会工作专业中也是如此。35 多年前,Iversen (1987) 质疑执照是否对女性社会工作者有害。Morrow (1996) 断言,社会工作教育项目以异性恋的形式在他们的课程中长期存在偏见和歧视。最近,大约三分之一的残疾学生、残障学生、