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Academic Emergency Medicine ( IF 4.4 ) Pub Date : 2022-09-03 , DOI: 10.1111/acem.14567

SAEM22 Abstracts. Acad Emerg Med 2022; 29: S8-S429. https://doi.org/10.1111/acem.14511.

In Abstract #462 “Predictors of Mortality Among Older Trauma Patients at a Level One Trauma Center” on page S222, Krishan Yadav, MD, MSc was mistakenly not included as the lead author. The full correct details for this abstract are included below:

462 | Predictors of Mortality Among Older Trauma Patients at a Level One Trauma Center

Krishan Yadav1, Nathaniel Murray1, Jacinthe Lampron1, Richard Nadj1, Rikesh Raichura1, Marie-Joe Nemnom2, Sonshire Figueira2, Axel Benhamed2, Marcel Emond3, Debra Eagles4

1University of Ottawa, 2Ottawa Hospital Research Institute, 3Laval University, 4University of Ottawa

We apologize for this error.



SAEM22 摘要。Acad Emerg Med 2022;29:S8-S429。https://doi.org/10.1111/acem.14511。

在第 S222 页的摘要 #462“一级创伤中心老年创伤患者死亡率的预测因素”中,医学博士、理学硕士 Krishan Yadav 被错误地不列为主要作者。此摘要的完整正确详细信息如下:

第462章 一级创伤中心老年创伤患者死亡率的预测因素

Krishan Yadav 1、Nathaniel Murray 1、Jacinthe Lampron 1、Richard Nadj 1、Rikesh Raichura 1、Marie-Joe Nemnom 2、Sonshire Figueira 2、Axel Benhamed 2、Marcel Emond 3、Debra Eagles 4

1渥太华大学, 2渥太华医院研究所, 3拉瓦尔大学, 4渥太华大学

